Tuesday, November 30, 2010

BTW- it works.

Nick shows his Ninja Gaiden skills and Keelin pauses for reflection

Warm up: Body Weight

Split Jerk

Snatch Squat (95/65)
Stick Jumps (24/18")
GHD Sit ups
* Last done 7/10/2010

Mobility: Trigger point

BEYOND THE WHITEBOARD is up! Sorry it was ever down, guys- a little confusion on our account, but they assured me, that because we are one of the highest posting affiliates that we are extremely valued and impressed with our community!Keep it up. Thanks to Lil J and Winch for always making sure it is up to date and lookin goooood.

On a LIGHTER note- let's keep in mind how 10 lbs off the body feels. Just wear a 10lb. vest or hold a 10lb weight your entire warm-up next time. When it leaves you - you are a different person, performing a different WOD and getting different results. Make your 24 day challenge works by insisting 10lbs of loss. Drink more water, eat more fruit, do extra cardiovascular work like: 1000 jump rope skip, 2k rows and 200 meter sprints. Focus on the positive things in your life and find a good read to get into that keeps you from the tv and inspires you to be better. Give more compliments, wake up earlier, meditate or pray more.
This is your time to become better and everyone at CF RED supports you. Let's do this!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Can You Take Me Higher

Janessa punches out some perfect overhead squats.

Warm up: PVC

7 Rounds
10-Deadlift (185/115)
10-C2B Pull Ups
20-Double Unders

Max Height Box Jump
*work up to 5RM
*max height that can be
reached on 5 consecutive

Mobility: Stretches #3

Today, we kicked off another 24 Day PaleoZone challenge. At least 12 people from CFR will be doing the challenge to gain clarity and discipline in the valleys of the holiday season. That means when most people have written off getting healthy until the new year, these folks will be following a strict cleanse and experiencing a metabolic shift while carving their path towards excellence with a PaleoZone Lifestyle. Last challenge we encouraged many as they broke even their own expectations. We will declare the winner of last months challenge after our final numbers are received in the next few days. Stay tuned!

Tips on most important rules for going Paleo- 
-Find your meats from these sources: wild game, vitamin cottage, fisher market, John the fish guy, old world meats, etc.
-Purchase only fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably organic- eat 3-4x the amount of meat you eat.
-Eat these 4 nuts/seeds raw or lightly roasted, no salt- pumpkin, sunflower, almonds, macadamia 
-Have readily available- Bowl of washed grapes, almond butter, figs, celery sticks, carrots, good filtered water.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ready to Shred

Warm up: DYMO

10 Rounds for time of:
5 KB Swings
10 Wall ball
150 run (6th street and back)

compare notes-last done 7/7/10

30 Muscle ups for time

Mobility: Foam Roller

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Fat and plump just like you should be and
plenty of energy to put into the work force. Over this weekend we were subjected to many toasts and many opportunities to reflect why to be grateful this life we live. So even though things can be rough sometimes and things don't go your way, or you aren't meeting your own expectations- sometimes by a long shot, remember the cure for our egoistic self imposed depressions.
Find happiness in what you have, give to others what you want more of and keep in mind those that have absolutely nothing and still find happiness.

Things to keep on your HOT list for December-

Tomorrow Night( Monday the 29th) at 7:30pm- 24 day challenge Nutrition lecture. Lose 10 lbs before Xmas and feel great. You can even do it again Jan 1st if you want!
Bring a pen and notepad, good questions and an hour of undivided attention. Handouts will be provided.

Saturday December 18th from 9am to 3pm- "Battle of the Best"
If you weren't invited and you know you should be, then speak up! Otherwise
bring your friends to watch a showdown of the top crossfitters of CFR to fight 
in a 3 WOD competition to get chosen for the affiliate team.

Thursday December 23rd- Xmas WOD- The goal with our smaller holiday WODS
is always to expose to family and friends to how crazy we are and to try to see how many of us will actually show up for the showdown. It's always fun;) Get there! FREE

Friday, November 26, 2010

Flash Gordon

Go here for image I wish I knew how to embed>

Still learning folks!

"Flash Gordon"
For time:

10 L-Pull ups
400 meter sandbag run (#50/30)
5000 lbs from floor to overhead (3500 for women)
400 meter sandbag run (#50/30)
10 L-Pull ups

the 5000 lbs may be split up any weight you desire, but must remain the same weight chosen from the beginning. You can choose to work on strength or skill- clean/ jerk or snatch.
Scales to choose for 5000/3500 lbs.
65 lbs= 76/53 reps
75 lbs= 66/46 reps
85 lbs= 59/41 reps
95 lbs= 52/36 reps
105 lbs= 47/33 reps
115 lbs= 43/30 reps
125 lbs= 40/28 reps
135 lbs= 37/26 reps
145 lbs= 34/-- reps
155 lbs= 32/-- reps



Today, it's all about the burn. If you are having problems with the crossfit red website...you're not the only one! It is also hard to post any comments depending on your computer.

Well, hopefully this blog will separate us soon from the past problems. Even now though, I cannot enter a picture or anything fancy due to the computer I am working on. No biggie...

Here is tomorrows WOD at NOON ONLY


This WOD is performed in Teams of 2-3 people- maybe 2 heats.

There are 2 exercise per station with a total of 4 stations

Station 1: 2000 meter row, 100 wallball

Station 2: 50 GI Janes, 50 K2E's

Station 3: 100 KB swings, 100 pushups

Station 4: Run 1 mile, 50 sit up and get ups

See you all there!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what hides behind disaster is said to make you grow

If you want to mess with CrossFit RED, you have to do more than take our computers away and bring in a shitty little cold front! We now have our temporary blog spot which will carry us through Thanks giving and maybe even longer if we like it! Let us know what you think.

Warm Up: PVC

Snatch Balance 

On the minute for 12 minutes
2-Back Squat @ 65%
Max rep push-ups
Record total number of push-ups completed

Mobility: Stretches #2