Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It is inevitable that you will be photographed many times over, doing the same move. KB swings are some of the most photographic and action cool snapshots we take repeatedly here at RED. There's nothing like catching the weightless peak of the swing on camera....right when life stands still for a split second. Kirk is a power house and he always has a serious kind of "I'm going to eat your hand" grimace on his face during swings. He is determined, focused, and hungry for the chance to yell "Time!" That's right, get em` home boy.

Warm up: PVC/BERG

Front SQuat

10 Rounds for time of:
3 Hang Power Cleans @ 75% of BW
25 DU's

Mobility: Foam Roller

Tuesday night, JJ almost wacked our boy Chad off (don't get funny, Jeff H.) the board with a smokin 2:51 Fran. Chads best is a 2:43 unlike an earlier post when I mis-calculated his record accidentally. Well, it won't be long before the dethroning happens...but then again, it won't be long before it happens again after that;) Keep up the friendly competition, fellas.
On a more relative note for us mortals, we had our largest class of new recruits in one foundations last night at 6:30 and they all did Fran as well! Some with PVC, some with barbell, some with bands, boxes....I really just love the fact that CrossFit is so versatile in it's approach. Anyone can do it! I hope to see all the new faces come back on Thursday. What a rush to have so many new people introduced to the first day of the rest of their new life!


  1. Ok Ok....my brain is bubbling over with snarky and lewd comments to make...but since you called me out PB....I'll just say, Goddamn..Lil J...that's freaking fast! good job.

  2. Oops! misread JJ as Lil J...well JJ won't mind..i've heard stories from his exes..:) That big ol' gorilla bastard has been kicking our butts for awhile...I'm not man enough but looks like Kirk will be "dethroning" JJ pretty quick.... As for when he'll be whacking him off...(the leader board) I got the domain name www.crossfitconfidential.org reserved so for any afterhours videos you want to post PB? just a small fee....

  3. no disrespect to JJ on his new fran pr but how bout some props for Michael and Mary Beth?!? they both also turned in fran pr's last night AFTER doing the daily wod. it felt so good to be with fran again last evening until i woke up at about 2am with muscle spasms throughout my arms! hooray for 2-a-days! and hooray for crossfit, i also got my fram PR by about 50 seconds, who would ever have thought that a few seconds would become so important to me.

    ps jana where's your primatene mist sucka?!?!

  4. Just wanted to remind everybody about the Warrior Dash!! I just looked and Saturday morning is already full, so if you haven't signed up yet, DO IT!! We want Red to make an appreance this time (& not PB's blood) ;) It is a blast and Red has a gym full of Warriors, so let's do it!! http://www.warriordash.com/ click on the Rockies and sign up there :)

  5. So I have a question.....

    I want some new shoes and I have a freakishly long middle toe so Im pretty sure those toe shoes are out and I need arch support because mine tend to fall and hurt!!! So, what do yall suggest I look into?? I tried working out in my converse and wasnt feeling it so much. Any info helps!

  6. Go to zappos and check out innov8 shoes. they are amazing- totally versatile in oly wods and run/row/gymnastic wods as well. Lil J got the 230's and loves them. I'm sure you'll get more support on my comment following this post;)

  7. Kerry- I totally thought you were giving me s*$#, laughed about that all the way home...primatine mist...didn't even know they still made that stuff! Congrats on all the PR's for Fran, you guys rock!

  8. Kirk, the Winch Nasty is trademarked; you'll have to come up with your own thing.

    Hill, I've got a sorta sharp machete if you feel the need to whittle down that middle toe, guarantee that foot will fit in any shoe out there. And, free of charge.

    Huge props to all you beasts. Those Fran PR's are amazing. What a place RED has become.

    Hey ya, Wheezy, get better already!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I agree Winch. CF Red is growing more an more impressive everyday. I have to say thanks to everyone for continuing to raise the bar and show us all what true dedication and work ethic really is.

    PB- Not to worry about Chad's Fran time...I plan on "whacking it off" the board very soon. I will also send him a text letting him know that I did.

    I just bought the 230's from the UK on ebay since most sizes are sold out from zappos etc. My skins A400 pants also came in today. Not sure they are worth $140 but I'll let you know what I think of them after today's WOD.

  11. please please please keep talking about shoes. I have had this question on my mind for awhile. PB are you saying that those shoes are good for lifting AND running? when lifting will I feel sturdy still or will I wobble on the support/padding (i can't actually tell if there is support)? How do these compare to the barefoot shoes (weird adjective for shoes)?

    Kirk- you look awesome. Keep it up!

    My roomie started in last nights Fran!! What a way to start at RED- Fran with a bunch of old RED hats beating their previous result.

  12. You can get the innov8 shoes on the againfaster.com website, I just ordered a jumprope from them (which is going to change my whole game people, so watch out! Haha...)Not sure how the price compares to zappos (think they were around $100?), etc, but they list what they have in stock.

    I was thinking about a pair of the new Nike Free "training" shoes. They have some support, but also a pretty flat sole, so should be better for lifting? So far the shoes I've liked the best were a semi-cheapo pair of NB's that have almost no sole. They're super light for running, but stable enough to bounce around in. I've almost wore them out. Bummer.

  13. The INOV-8 shoes are the way to go, I have the 195's and my only knock on them is that they have a harder rubber sole, making them slick on the platform... The 230's have a softer, stickier, rubber sole, if I had my choice I would go with them, not much weight difference between the 195's and 230's, I think maybe an ounce if that.. They provide great stability and are minimally padded, so there is not alot of compression, causing lost energy, the arch support is great as well.

    Winch is that face trademarked for "Dulcolax "?

    Jeff, please no rubber comments.... ha ha ha....

  14. So I have been looking at getting lifting shoes, but now wondering if I should just get the INOV-8 and use them for everything?!

  15. on the shoe subject i have found it impossible to throw down a hondo or more for shoes i haven't tried on. my cheapo fix was to get some hella stylist cons ($34 online). it took a while to get used to particularly for running and box jumps but my lifts have all improved massively and i find i can't lift right if i accidentally wear my squishy running shoes. if you need arch and a little more heel support get SuperFeet insoles $35 Gene Taylor's.

  16. Question for EVERYONE: Jerry and I are going to do The Warrior Dash in Copper this year for our 2 year wedding anniversary! What day is everyone signing up for? We would love to do this with our Crossfit Red family if possible!

  17. Jerry & Claire - happy anniversary! So great to see such love the two of you portray when you're together; may there be many happy years ahead of you.

  18. SATURDAY! Get there quick because the morning heats are out!
