Wednesday, January 19, 2011


If you were there, you know that Rankle was a mf'er. There was a lot of noise, a lot of bouncing weights, falling bodies, jumping booties, sweaty buddies and gasping, chilly runs (not chili runs, Jeff). It mostly ended with you on the floor, very proud of yourself and your comrads for actually finishing without meeting Pukie. It is important you read our credo if you haven't already...the reason we named our gym CROSSFIT RED. You might feel that way after todays WOD;)

Warm up: CF/BW

3 Rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-Ups
30 Wall Ball (20/16)
12 HSPU's
15 Power Cleans

MB Abmat Sit-up throws
3 x 20 (20/16)

*Anchoring feet is ok. Can throw to a partner or
against the wall. Use an abmat.

Mobility: Foam Roller

Reluctantly, I press myself out of the car.
Intimidated by the WOD, I walk through CrossFit RED’s door, heart pumped.
At first glance everything is unnerving.
The whiteboard chicken scratch earns a placid zombie stare.
I see the prescription and get butterflies- the smell of doubt disturbing.
We start to warm up as if preparing for an event- maybe even a rumble.
The energy turns from giddy to serious.
Thumb locked and ready to time us, our captain yells “3,2,1, GO!”
It starts raining weights and the music blares.
I am trying to stay at ease and pace myself- but something is happening.
Faster than expected, I am losing ground- losing my calm.
My head is buzzing and my adrenaline is peaking sooner than anticipated.
It is all becoming surreal, and my world is turning RED.
I question whether I can finish, but I am beating my last time by 2 minutes!
My lungs are bleeding RED, I know it- and my muscles want to give up.
My body is going stronger somehow, but I feel my face turning RED.
My eyes are seeing spots- at first black, then RED.
The Clock laughs at me as I stumble to my next move in slow motion.
Finally, the RED rock is in my peripherals as I run my last route and fall inside the door.
I scream “TIME!” with just enough air to sound like a beat animal.
Limbs pumped like rubber tubes and lungs still going like a turbine engine,
I gasp with a grin.

It is all over, but I keep seeing the one thing that won’t leave my eyes.

It is the color of my veins pumped, my face flushed, my shins marked.

I see the color of the courage and bravery that fills the room.

I see the color of our flag and the blood shed in name of our country.

I see the color that gives power in both love and war.

I see the color flashing before my eyes... as if to announce- VICTORY!

All around me...



  1. You know, I actually read this before I started working out here and it made me excited to experience what it talks about and now that I have experienced it, it makes me excited to continuing experiencing it! I am gonna try my hardest to make it to a WOD tomorrow!!! This one looks mean.

  2. so Sonya i again have the pleasure of offering you to be my replacement for the Sat am WOD. i mean, unless your arthritis won't let you get going that early. yep, it may be time to start posting as "Ol Sonya." ooooooooooooooh buuuurn!!!

  3. FYI, Zappos emailed me saying they have the black inov8 230's in black siza 7.5 back in stock if any women were wanting to get some. Im not sure about other sizes.

  4. Hear Hear PB...I hadn't read the credo before...nice!
    Btw...anyone else picking up on a vibe there between KerryB and Sonya??......i dunno guess its just me then....

  5. Oh I was seeing red today.... Red like a pissed off Bull! I hate Muscle ups! My nemesis is the muscle up! Thanks Patrick for the coaching and the encouragement.... I really need to work on my biggest weakness, patience and the ability to calm my storm! Maybe I need a Tony Robbins audio book!

  6. there's no vibe...i just enjoy the Sat am WODs and i think Sonya would too. plus the Goat usually goes Saturday and he would like to WOD with his wife that day too. so i've tried a friendly invite, i've tried cajoling, i've tried guilt-tripping, now all that's left is taunting. frankly i'm not sure why i'm doing it though cuz the last thing i need is more people who are going to beat me showing up!

  7. I hope that "Ol' Sonya" crack wasn't leveled at me, Kerry. Hey, I may be ol', but I still have feelings, y'know! Do you want me to start editing your posts?!? Oh, I will, sister, I will.

    Now on to other matters: Today's WOD was awesome! Killer, but awesome. Oh yeah, the old guy had his mods, but I pushed as hard as the next guy/gal. You'd be amazed what a Spark/Geritol cocktail can do for your WODing performance! Also, when I push the button on my MedicAlert medallion, the coach is right there to help me through my "I've fallen and I can't get up" moment!

  8. I love seeing the creative flow on this blog. It has not only become a central hub for praise and smack talk, but a free flowing mind bender with poetic subtleties strewn about. This blog in a sense is an outlet to shout our thoughts at any given moment to the people we love- my fellow heads. It goes a little something like this: "You are my kinda people. For you, I will go to the ends of the earth to protect, to serve, to praise, to respect. This is the community I always dreamed of, because we hold each other accountable, keep each other honest, and make each other better. We invite others to join us, but they must honor our simple code-
    Protect, Serve, Praise, Respect eachother.
    Make each other accountable, honest and better.

    Thanks for being in our life, Red Heads.
