Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gimme Those Delts!

Any day, any way I would take those delts! Wow! What a figure this woman has...and if you think it stops there, you should watch her WOD-seriously-5 unbroken muscle ups?...and oh yeah, there's more...check out her drivers license. Afraid to compete against her in the masters division?- I'd be afraid to compete against her in ANY division. There is one competitive character flaw though...Mary Beth actually is more into encouraging others all the way til they finish their WOD instead of acing like she won a gold medal afterwards...oh wait, maybe that's not a flaw;`] 
Keep an eye on this crossfit supafreak.

Warm up: PVC/BERG

Bench Press

Partner Row

Each partner rows each distance. 
Clock runs the entire time so make transitions fast!

Mobility: Foam Roller

Got knee probs? Listen to Kelly


  1. Thanks MB for being such an inspiration and always encouraging all of us!! You are awesome girl!! :)

  2. MB kicks Ass!! I love working out with her. Man, she never stops cheering us all on even when she's about to die herself....the epitome and spirit of Crossfit personified.

  3. Dear RED family,
    Your favorite trainers in the world are going on a weekend bonding trip with lots of food, alcohol and according to Weaver a "half naked winter wod." Our plan is to be back by Sunday evening. If I am not here to open the gym on Monday please call the search and rescue team. Thought and prayers for our health and safety over this CRAZY weekend will be greatly appreciated ;)

  4. Is anyone aware of any CF competitions coming up in the local area. I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to get at least one under our belt before the games series kicks off.

    If not, I was thinking about this one.

    Any comments?
