Sunday, January 23, 2011


The Sunday Night ACF Championship game between the NY Jets and Pittsburgh Steelers proved one thing for certain. Preparation and being "Head Ready" are crucial for a win. Use your warm up to get your head straight- get "Head Ready" for your workout. Also, make sure you're eating properly, fueling up for your workout properly, recovering post-workout properly. Don't come in expecting to do great when you haven't been "doing great" with those things. Of course you could spend the first half of your workout warming up only to lose your chance to win the WOD. Poor preparation= poor results! Steelers goes to Superbowl, Jets suck their thumb.

Warm Up: DYMO

OH Squat

5 Rounds of:
1 min KB Push Press
1 min Strict Plank

Mobility: Foam Roller

*Record number of total KB Push Press completed

*Use Strict Push Press standards- No Jerks allowed.

Get to know more about why we prescribe Advocare World Class products for our athletes. Click on each comment for a comprehensive description of that product, then talk to one of our coaches about trying a sample. Below are some of the many comments we have heard about these incredible products over the years.

"Spark every morning before my matter what!"

"I love slamming a Slam right before a WOD when I have little time, little food and need a boost that doesn't crash me afterwards."
"I take a Muscle Fuel 20 minutes before I get ready to attempt a PR on any 10+ minute WOD- Usually, I PR it."

"Mix an Arginine with a Spark before a workout, and no one can stop me."

"When I lift heavy and want to recover fast between sets, I use Muscle Strength."
"I am like clockwork with my PWR shake- get up off the floor after a hard WOD, breathe and stretch for 10 minutes, mix up a PWR shake, go home."

"I sleep like a baby and wake up feeling like a champion after 5 nighttime recovery... every night."

"I take my Nighttime recovery with a Rehydrate...wait, I take almost everything with a Rehydrate! It's better than any other electrolyte/hydration aid I've ever had."
"Every morning, I get all my nutrient-dense nutrition in first thing with MNS. How can you skip out on all-day energy through high impact vitamins, minerals and antioxidants...duhhh!"
"If all the pills and powders went away, I would forever take my 4-6 omegaplex daily. I said good bye to joint pain and inflammation long ago with that regimen."

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