Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Is Already Awesome

Adam Winch if you haven't figured it out by now, is Stickler on our blog comments. He is a heckler, a teaser and a poet. He is also a pretty damn good coach and crossfitter. I am sure there will be plenty of follow up comments to this post. What a great way to start the year!:)

Warm up: DYMO
Squat Snatch

5 minute row for meters
5 minute max push ups
5 minute row for meters

* Row pace cannot be higher than 20 strokes/min.
*Clock does not stop during the workout

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch

Monday Night, we gather to review yet again the best program we know of to rededicate, recommit, and renew your health. Join us at 7:30p at CrossFit RED for our 24 Day Challenge Clinic. I hope you are eating your last piece of holiday chocolate as you prepare for a massive overhaul! I know I am;p


  1. Doc bingo resurfaced today. His musings are a bit darker than normal yet still full of wisdom nuggets...

    Sunday musings...

    1) Resolute. The derivation of "resolution," no? Should probably pick one that you can be the other about. Just saying.

    2) Bowls. Is it just me or has New Year's Day become something, I dunno, less? If you are of a certain age you remember January 1st as the day when you watched college football, even if you hated college football, because pretty much every family planned their day around exactly 4 games: Sugar, then Cotton, then Rose, then Orange Bowl. In that order. Meals, family visits, pretty much everything revolved around who was playing when, depending on who mattered the most to the family member driving the schedule. Remember?

    It all started to fall apart with the Gator Bowl. I want to blame the Fiesta Bowl, but before Tostitos or Doritos of whatevero's got involved it was the Gator Bowl that crashed the party. We now have, what, 35 Bowl games, and even when the B(S)CS championship Game isn't held in a traditional game we STIILL don't have all 4 on 1/1. Can anyone tell my why the Sugar Bowl game is on a Tuesday? For real?

    The "good old days" weren't always good (props to Billy Joel), but in this instance, BCS or no BCS, New Year's Day is just a cheap imitation of the holiday of my youth.

    3) 21 months. It's rather sad chez bingo today. My friend Ken will pass very shortly. Diagnosed 21 months ago with a disease that has a 95% mortality he will succumb at least 12 months later than predicted, but he like all the others will succumb. His passing at age 45 is quite sad, and I could (and probably will elsewhere) mine this for literally thousands of words, but I'd like to share just one little part of this with you, my Crossfit friends.

    It took a fatal illness for two busy docs to make the time to forge a friendship that deserved to be. We have so very much in common and are so very comfortable in the company of one another. The small difference in our ages and family life stages meant that the friendship would not occur spontaneously, or organically, even though by rights it really should have. Nope, it took the specter of looming demise to make the two of us look at our lives, our days, our schedules and obligations and declare that we would be friends. For 21 months as it turned out.

    Do I feel cheated somehow? Having made this decision to be a friend, carve out time I didn't think I had to be everything a friend should be? I'm sad, but no, I don't feel cheated or gypped somehow. How could I? A friend is such a precious and rare thing that even 21 months of real friendship is something to be cherished, its wonder and its splendor worth every bit of the pain and the emptiness of its loss.

    Here's the rub, a lesson learned time and again since that first time my Dad, Grampbingo first warned me: we get very, very few real friendships in this life. Very few people on whom we can depend, who can depend on us. Precious few who we are willing to make the time necessary to nurture the friendship. So few with whom everything is shared and score is never kept. So few.

    For 21 months I had one more.

    I'll see you next week...

    Comment #18 - Posted by: bingo at January 2, 2011 8:42 AM

  2. And one other that bingo posted today...

    Good morning to all of our newcomers. How do you feel? Pretty good, eh? Hmmm...just wait until tomorrow. You're about to be introduced to a little gem called DOMS. Mwah ha ha ha. We'll chat about that in the morning.

    Welcome to Rest Day. Coach and the original Crossfit crew, back in the original days of Crossfit Santa Cruz, fiddled around with different schedules to see which one would produce the greatest amount of fitness gains. While 5 days on, 2 days off might be the most convenient of schedules it turns out that 3 days on, 1 day off actually provides the best results. Measurable, observable, repeatable. Hence the schedule you have just joined.

    But...but...Mr. bingo...3 on, 1 off doesn't work for me. Now, now, don't you fret young'un. Crossfit is something that you can make all of your own. SHOULD make all your own. I've been shooting my "mouth" off for several years that for the vast majority of us Crossfit is meant to be "you vs. you", not you vs. whichever CF superstar happens to be in the video on any given day. And hey, let's not forget, you're a Newbie--you might even want to start off with something like 2 on, 1 off. You'll understand tomorrow.

    Rest Day itself is kind of evolving right now, a kinder, gentler version of what it once was in years gone by. Oh sure, there have been some (mildly) inflammatory articles and links this past year, but man, ya shoulda been here in 2006, 7, and 8. Anyway, there'll be some kind of something or other to peak your interest, and every now and again some kind of something or other to tweak some sensitive souls about something. If you, or someone you might send to CF is one of those sensitive souls (offended by naked puppies deadlifting, for example) simply don't click on the 'comments' each 4th day, 'cause the founders like this format, and thus far have been prettttty consistent in ignoring anyone who doesn't.

    There you have it. In the end Rest Day is an invitation to exercise your "brain muscles", to expand your mental fitness, as well as to recover for the next three day cycle. Come on back tomorrow--we're glad you're here.

    Oh yeah...DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. You've been warned.

    Comment #14 - Posted by: bingo at January 2, 2011 5:58 AM

  3. Now for my own:
    PB, you can't just go outing a guy like that. Maybe no one would have figured it out. Oh well...

    So, with 2010 down the drain, please accept my humble gratitude to all of you at RED for our home there during 2010. It, CF RED, is a home of its own and it is thanks to you, everyone who makes up RED, from the man who acts on his dreams - PB, to Emily - who keeps PB's brain in place, to all the fantastic, highest-caliber trainers, and to those who put themselves through the wonderfully torturous grind of CF RED, it is because of you this place is such a bonding and interesting home to us all. The incredible growth of this place is due to you all. All I can say is a grateful thank you.

    "It's pretty much family", is what I often hear when listening to our members talking of this place, and I agree, its true. In fact, just before a WOD today, I overheard Nick Peck telling a friend of his, a guy who was there for the first time to give Crossfit and CF RED a try, that, "This place just kinda sucks you in and then you realize you been here for hours having fun". Nick was right, it does suck you in and makes you want to stick around and just enjoy everyone and this unique place; its comfortable, the people are worthwhile and easy to be with, and this place will beat you up in a good way - for your own benefit - just chew you up and spit you out all sweaty and drooling like no other place, then still make you want more. Kinda like home. Kinda like good family.

    The cool thing is that we are on the cusp of some new adventures and some interesting changes many of you will find out about throughout this coming year...and like much done at RED, you're gonna think it's really, really cool. And beneficial, worthy of your time and best efforts. Personally, I'm very excited about where RED will be by the end of 2011. You probably will be too.

    Welcome to RED 2011. 3,2,1...GO!

    "A cat almost always blinks when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer."

  4. Yeah, a lot of posts...Stickler, Stickler, Stickler! Man, you put his picture up, and he figures the page is his! Where is Chad when you really need him?!? Hey, Adam, I love you, man. Don't taze me, Bro!!!!

  5. This just in.....


    For those of you eager for information about the 2011 CrossFit Games season, here's what we have for you.

    For Individual Competitors, the Open Sectionals will begin in early March and go through mid April. Each week, there will be an event to complete. You'll be able to perform it anywhere. Each performance needs to be validated, either through a video submission or by a registered CrossFit affiliate. All the details are coming, but no matter what the official rules will be, the key is fitness. The athletes who do more work in less time week after week will qualify for Regionals. Regionals will occur late May through late June. The CrossFit Games will be in late July.

    Teams will compete at Regionals, but they will need to qualify through the Opens as individuals. This qualification process is similar in concept to the 07 and 08 Affiliate Cup competitions. Everyone on the team competes in the Open Sectionals and the teams with the top performers will qualify for Regionals. No limit on the number of athletes from any team that can compete in Opens. Like last year, teams qualify, so the rosters can change at each level of competition. Again, full details are coming, but the key will be bringing the fittest athletes possible.

    Masters are going to have four age divisions (45-50, 50-55, 55-60, 60+) and will compete in the Opens.

    As we get closer, all the details about the nature of the competitions, how to compete, the rules, limitations, and any exceptions will become clear. In the meantime, train hard, eat well, and stay healthy!
