Thursday, January 27, 2011


There are not too many places other than CrossFit where you can be disrupted by your own spouses back side, butt it is obvious in this shot that Josh is disgusted that he cannot keep focus or form in his WOD due his unfortunate position. Sarah on the other hand is just banging away at the WOD with no thought of anyone because her sight is clean. See what meditation can do for you in moments like these, Josh.

Warm up: CF/BW

6 Rounds of:
3-Any Way Over Head (185/115)
6-C2B Pull ups
9-Clapping push ups
*Chest much touch the floor on all clapping push ups

Full GHD Raises

Mobility: Trigger Point

By Leigh Gant-Crossfitter in Dubai UAE

I am not a fire breather, but have experience in training professional athletes (for specific sports, not crossfit) and its the same story with each one who is successful:

1. Mental: Just one aspect of the mental side is to never get stressed about any obstacle that's blocking your path to glory. Just use it as a challenge and then you will become a better athlete on the other side. If you can't deadlift 100lb, who cares? You train and work at, just keep smiling (but burning on the inside haha)

2. Attention to detail: nutrition, technique, precise increases in load, sleep pattern, meditation, etc. Make sure you don't skip out on any detail. You wouldn't complete a sub 3 min Fran if your form was crap, and the same goes for every other aspect. To become elite you weigh your food, you sleep 8 hours, you go on the roller, you stretch, you visualize and you organize your life with the same precision that you use when performing a WOD.

3. Balance: Although you live and breath your sport, and winning means everything, there are other parts of your life that require attention and will help you to achieve. One athlete I trained was very very good, but he was so focused that he left his family and partner in the shadows of everything else he did. After one competition where he did not reach his ultimate goal, we changed his training around. He got more involved with friends and family, and vice versa. They came to training, and he would return the favor by taking time out during the day to do all sorts of little things with his parents or for his girlfriend. It was a circle of support. His training improved out of sight and now has achieved more than what he had dreamed of.

Obviously there is more to it, but I have found these broad subjects to be useful in training people.

1 comment:

  1. wow- plethora of information>
