Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Sorry about the missed post yesterday, Redheads. Certainly, we have learned to adapt and overcome such small inadequacies such as a missed post. As crossfitters, we deal with things like this like we handle running out of bar collars, or having to use a DB instead of a KB...not having enough cups, having to run to meet our bar or encountering defeat within multiple attempts of a lift. These are the qualities of a crossfitter...to say "It is what it is" instead of "It's not fair". This is why we love accountability. Because it suggests what no one is willing to- Are you going to whine about it, or just do it?

Warm up: DYMO


*Warm up as needed then complete 7 working sets.
Increase load each set to reach a new 1rm PR.

NONE OR- Work on Double Under Technique
Challenge- DU reps in 2 minutes

Mobility: Trigger Point

I was jailed to the couch while trying to break a pain-in-the ass 24 hour fever and came across the opportunity to watch this ultra cheesy, but perfect fight film. I would have embed it against my well known tech-retarded handicap, but it wouldn't allow me. Maybe that saved me another rise in fever. Actually, I'm pretty sure this film broke it with the "every man wants to be a fighter...including me" inspiration I got on the last fight.
Hope it inspires you to watch it on some cold, gray, beatdown afternoon> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhVthow3e-Q


  1. so as i sit here this evening trying to regain feeling in my arms i have been pondering who is my fav crossfittin chick?

    i've decided it's andrea for killing the wod tonight while cheering everybody else on... no wait mary beth for just silently killing it...no maybe jana for killing it and lending me her jump rope...no stacy w for backsquatting a whole bunch yesterday...no nmc for backsquatting even more and for kindly not posting her score...no all the new chicks and other peeps in the HUGE foundations classes lately. i love this place and i am so thankfuli get to be a part of this crazy crossfitting thing!!!

    ps props to all the dudes who are also whoopin it up

  2. I agree with Kerry! RED has soooooo many amazing women (men too). I could literally sit here and write something awesome about every single female at RED. Some that come to mind right away, CD, TQ, Nat, MB and Ali. These five ladies inpsire me everyday because of their everyday attitude and the encouragment they give to other. Its not about being on the "top 3" board, its about striving to be the best THEY can be and encouraging others to be their best while their at it.
    I worked out with Ali this morning, both of us can barely freakin talk because we are so winded, but that didn't stop her from constintly encouraging me, and I thought that was really cool. As for CD and TQ, not only are they bad asses in the gym, but awesome mommys. If one of their babies is home sick, you know they are home with their little one and not thinking twice about taking a rest day, and I think that is WAY COOL!

    Hilary, Dawn E, Kristen, Sarah F, Andrea, Kandy, Toni L, the list goes on and on...

    I love you guys

  3. Melissa H, Isa, Kerry, Ada, Stacy W, Janessa, okay, I have to stop or I really will keep going. Lol

  4. Male or female, Trainer or fellow friend, or member. This was sent to me this morning by a great friend of mine, and former member of the Iowa Hawkeyes Wrestling Team. He was coached by hall of famer "Dan Gable" My friend told me that Coach Gable used this analogy in victory and in defeat... Talk about a change in perspective. Enjoy, I sure did..... "Love the game. Love the game for the pure joy of accomplishment. Love the game for everything it can teach you about yourself. Love the game for the feeling of belonging to a group endeavoring to do its best. Love the game for being involved in a team whose members can't wait to see you do your best. Love the game for the challenge of working harder than you ever have at something and then harder than that. Love the game because it takes all team members to give it life. Love the game because at its best, the game tradition will include your contributions. Love the game because you belong to a long line of fine athletes who have loved it. It is now your legacy. Love the game so much that you will pass on your love of the game to another athlete who has seen your dedication, your work, your challenges, your triumphs... and then that athlete will, because of you, love the game."

  5. Ya'll got me ALL CHOKED UP today!!!

    "J", you know how much I love you...from the VERY beginning, years ago, in that dark lil' corner downstairs at CORE - ha! And to see how far you have come in strength, coaching, and life in general inspires me!

    And NOW, with the addition of ALL the fine women at RED we grow, learn, laugh & kick ass together...how sweet it is! Thank You Ladies - keep it up!

    Kirk, you are one of the good guys :) Along with all of our men at RED who take every individual for the athlete they are and work side by side to make us all tougher... Let's keep Lovin' the Game and Represent BIG TIME at Regionals this year!!!
