Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Tangler

 This may be a confusing picture so let me explain. It is a comic book take on our young superhero, Chad being directed and positioned by Celeste. I cannot say that there was any real professional fitness coaching going on here, I think it was in preparation for a spoof depiction of an Olympic rope tangler. I'll leave that up to you to figure out because shirley it must mean something. Pretty cool shot though.

Warm up: CF/BW

Back Squat

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Power Clean and Push Jerk (135/95)
25 Wall Ball (20/10)

Mobility:  Dynamic Stretch

Courtesy of todays post>


  1. That is a cool picture, and you should use that treatment more often. But don't call me Shirley (editor's note: correct spelling is s-u-r-e-l-y).

  2. I would like to defend that I was MOST CERTAINLY giving "real professional coaching" during this guys know I don't ever divert from my professionalism ;) Cool Pic PB!

  3. Thanks for sharing the short video of SEALFIT. Peaked my interest, so I just watched all 3 series on the CrossFit Journal. Talked about being inspired. It also made me think of our Chad, knowing that he is kicking some ASS and being that true warrior that he is!!

  4. Knowing Chad, he's probably still trying to figure out how to salute. The physical stuff, no prob, but when it comes to the technical stuff--like saluting, remembering to start off with his left foot when marching, how to polish his boots, properly make his bunk--our young Superman has met his kryptonite. I guess Winch, Nate, and I should have conducted a weekend seminar for him. Wouldn't have helped, I'm sure.

  5. Whoops, meant to say "talk about being inspired" Suprised Ol Brad didn't correct me ;)

  6. That's ok, Melissa- it's good to keep the old man on his feet. I knew he would respond on my shirley comment. I am going to keep em comin, Brad...just to keep that brain of yours from freezing up. Shirley you wouldn't want that. btw- the best movie where that line was used>

  7. I rarely correct those who are so lovely (Emily, being a former student of mine, is the exception), as I wish to maintain my status as the classy, older gentleman. With so many dirtbags here at Red, the ladies need someone they can look up to and admire. I humbly accept that mantle.

  8. Well maybe we should start calling you "Classy Brad" eh?! Then there is no mistaken you with the dirtbag Redheads! ;)

  9. I can live with that, and I won't correct your, THAT'S classy!!!
