Sunday, January 30, 2011

Torstein Horgmo Triple Cork

One may be able to argue the beauty the man-bear-pig brings and his charming effect on women and children. It is with much less debate however that one be able to discriminate his strength under the bar. Ok, sure he's got some work to do if he wants to impress Rob Orlando, but with much potential already in the works! Maybe we can learn a thing or two about Stone and his desire to throw objects, citizens, dogs, peasants (what ever stops in front of him with hesitation) and be inspired to expand our power output. That's what we do- gauge our performance via others and get inspired through their work whether it be in or out of the gym. Lets get to training, folks.

Warm up: PVC/BERG

Front Squat

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlift (275/175)
50 Double Unders

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch

This you might also find impressive...maybe. Kinda impressive...just a little.


  1. I stole this from CrossFit Verve's site and felt like sharing it.

    Passion By - CrossFit Lisbeth

    Passion is scary. Frightening. Dangerous.

    Many people are so scared of their passion that they keep it clamped down tight, hogtied, because they don’t know what to do with it. They are afraid of how out of control they might feel. They’re afraid of their very own power. They try to play “cool” . . .

    Don’t be one of those people.

    If you love to deadlift, say it. If you love CrossFit, say it. If you love someone, tell them. If you secretly really like rowing and you’re afraid everyone will make fun of you for admitting it, just MTFU and say it. If you love your job (or anything), don’t be afraid to say it — because most likely, people already know. It shows on your face, in your smile, in the madly enthusiastic way you greet the world every day.

    Having passion — true passion — for anything is so exciting to behold, so thrilling and intoxicating to the human spirit, that we get a contact “high” off other people’s passion. And it fuels us to do more. (Or it should, if we can keep our ego and our envy in check.)

    So don’t waste your life being “cool” — be a passionate fool. For CrossFit, for love, for anything. Life is way too short to do or be anything less.



  3. mental note...always watch the video before posting, sorry...

    please not the weight Davey has over his head is 135#, he got 115# 2wks ago but couldn't quite get my bodyweight 125# then. not many chicks can boast a husband who could literally lift them overhead one-handed. previously the most impressive thing i had seen anybody do was when isaac did a turkish get up with kristen curled around his fist. leave it alone jeff just leave it alone.

  4. I bought a pair of Blue F-lite 230 that are 1/2 size too big for me. I had to get them shipped from UK for $116 since they are out of stock in the US. They haven't been worn except to try on. I will sell them for $100. Size 10.5US/9.5UK. I already ordered the size smaller from the UK but have to wait 2 weeks for delivery :(

  5. If you look really closely at the photo, you can see the wires holding up Mr. Stone's barbell. I shot the photo, and you can't imagine the amount of time it to to set up this shot. Poor guy had to hold it over his head until we could tie-off the wires! Honestly, the amazing thing is, he made this lift several times, increasing the weight each time. Strong as a bull, yet delicate enough to sew curtains.

    Nate--Man-up and stuff the toes full of toilet paper until you get a nice, comfortable fit. Or, if you really want that macho feel, jam gravel in there. Just a couple of suggestions.

  6. Ah Ha! FINALLY, it is time to correct your typing Sir Brad, although your spelling and grammer were done good or well or whatever, "the amount of time it TOOK to set up this shot" is what I believe you meant to say ... that being properly said, Kerry, you can call my Davey whatever you want when he can single-handedly get 135# above his head with a smile on his face :) I bet it might make his cork grow strong to!?

  7. Hey C-Det, when you are a speed-typist like I am (almost 25 wpm), you are bound to make an error from time-to-time, especially when, as a retiree, I have such a tight schedule and can't afford to re-read all my brilliant and engaging posts. Thank you for pointing out my mistake in front of everyone and sullying my heretofore unblemished reputation. I'm not mad, but I don't love you any more. JK, CFRGF, you is aways gonna be my gurl!

  8. Braaaaaaaaaad, you know I only tease those I adore CFRBF!
    Now hurry and go sit at your desk brousing the net while drinkig the tea that you got running errands after sitting in the sauna following a wonderful WOD you performed at top speed because you had a hero's breakfast after 10 amazing hours of sleep you needed upon wrapping up an evening of paleo cookies, soy milk and the latest episode of the Bachelor ;) See you tomorrow stud!

  9. Won't even point out your errors cuz I love you so much, C-Det!!! I'm sure you did it on purpose to get my attention.
