Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'll spot you!

If you see a weirdo crawling under you during KB Swings, it's just one of our cam kids(me) trying to get some cool shots of you tearing through the air with violent moves. During this pic with Tawni, the KB slayer I actually crawled out from beneath the stall mats to capture the essence of her full extension. Nice work, Tawni- Queen of the morning birds.

Warm up: DYMO

Hang Squat Snatch

2000 meter row
rest 5 minutes
1 rm shoulder press

* use 3 to 5 sets to work to a 1rm

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch

I thought you guys would like some good advice on how to handle yourself while lifting. 
Here it is >

And finally, the dumbest thing you could ever do at the gym... unless you want to walk crooked and look like a moron that can't catch anything.


  1. melissa--you had inspired me but in an extremely dispicable turn of events the warrior dash link is broken. therefore i again will not be getting mud into my nether regions. i will obsessively keep checking this weekend davey did it last year and loved it. both hope to do it this year.

    in other news i will regretably miss the Sat AM WOD so i hereby bestow the honor of filling in my spot to: (read with best over-exagerated-uber-annoyting oprah scream) SOOOONNYYYYYYAAAAA!!!! no massage for you!

    ps it's equally possible that the weirdo looking up your shorts is just Jeff H who's not on the camera crew. ouch

  2. Wow those were some funny videos!!! Thanks for starting Friday off with a laugh!

  3. I'm gonna mimick the Deadlift video... Fricking hilarious. I have actually seen those happen a few times, over @ the GLOBO gym. Ha Ha.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PB!!! Thanks for all you do and we are all very thankful for such an awesome leader of our Red head family! ;)

  5. Kerry,

    Let Shane and I know what heat you get in for in the W-D when the site's back up...we're slackers and haven't signed up yet, but we want to do it again this year.

    Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy Birthday PB! Do they make a paleo cake?

    ps Enjoy you're Saturday WOD Sonya, haha!

  6. Kerry- Glad I could inspire somebody ;) but not sure what your talking about....Warrior Dash site is up and running just fine! So sign NOW!! Most of us are in the 10:00 heat, 9:00 is still open, then 1:30 is the next wave that's open. Earlier is best, cause then it's over and you can hang out all day and watch all the other idiots out there (busting their heads open and such) :D

  7. Dang it Kerry - I have to wash my hair Saturday! Actually, (excuse #1)- I will be attending Roice-Hurst's annual board mtg from 9-4 on Sat & Sun. Excuse #2 - Just got back from Dr. Copeland... going in on Monday for a knee (pronounced KAnee)MRI. Possible torn maniscus (is that like mucus?). Also possible patella(like nutella?)muscle imbalance. Dr. C says - no squats - no lunges. I shall miss today's workout too... it's beer-thirty - wanna go?

  8. Nice grammar,spelling, and punctuation eh?

  9. Okay - just watched the videos... the last one... he just video'd that to see what his own "package" looks like working out and on steroids.
