Thursday, January 6, 2011


There's nothing quite like 2 men sewing together after a good WOD. We can thank these two seamstresses for hooking up the pretty black curtains that hide all the junk on top of the office. You guys did a fantastic job, thanks! From iron to poly...that's talent, baby!

Warm up: PVC/ BERG
6 Rounds for time of:
5 burpees
10 Thrusters
20 Abmat sit-ups

GHD Back ext. 3 x 20
SDL (on a box) 3 x 10

Mobility: Foam Roller

Recently on an interview, Chris Spealer was asked to share his appraoch to training and what his regimen looked like. If you don't know the name "Spealer" then shame on you...or shame on us for not sharing:/. He is a world class crossfit athlete who has pushed the pace, the technique and the possibilities for currnet and future crossfitters across the world. Chris weighs approx. 145 lbs. and trains all his weaknesses...all the time. He is stronger than most big guys and faster than most fast guys. He is a supafreak, sure..but listen up! He trains all his weaknesses all the time! So think about it next time you decide to practice what your great at already and realize you are stuck because you choose to be.
If you eat too many sweets/salt, then do the 24 day challenge. If your shoulders are inflexible then work on mobility exercises, if your hips are tight in a squat- work on your range of motion, If you can't do a pull up- graduate bands. The list goes on... Hate running?- do sprints. Rower scare you... Do a 500 meter max every day for a month. Front squats? add it to your strength WOD daily.

This is YOUR fitness we are talking about. CrossFit is great. Our Programming will test you every day. The music will blare and you will surely suffer with friends to laugh with after. If you truly want to get "Good" at crossfit and just your fitness in must practice your weaknesses. Let your strengths appear in the WOD;) GET SOME!


  1. Ooooooh wheee!! Look at my MANBEARPIG! he can lift heavy things and he knows how to work my sewing machine.

    p.s. winch i have discovered this new nickname is a Colorado compliment. that's what jj said and you know he knows cuz he is an uber steez!

  2. 'Tis a compliment of the highest order! And the Stoner really is a MANBEARPIG (it must all be said together and almost all at once with a slightly rougish accent to work right), making you Mrs. MANBEARPIG. You chose wisely.

  3. The correct term for a man who sews is "tailor". Even in our PC world, "seamstress" refers to a woman who sews. Look at the two working with the sewing machine and draw your own conclusion. My opinion: Not pretty enough to be seamstresses...close, but not quite.

  4. Not looking for the correct word, Old Brad. Actually, I was delighted to call them seamstresses. Two men tailoring at a crossfit facility makes a great pair of seamstresses.
    All joking aside, though- I could never get done what Stonehaven gets done here. Thanks again, MANBEARPIG.

  5. Wow. I'm sure if this image excites me, or disturbs me.
    Team sewing - new CF excercise? Wouldn't THAT freak out out-of-town CF'ers if sectionals was held here:-)
    I vote MANBEARPIG and Isaac sew competition outfits for the CFR team. I'll even chip in for a "BeDazzler" to add sparklies!
    Kerri, you sur' mus' be proud o' yur man! Does he also basketweave?
    ~Sonya with an "S"

  6. Sorry - NOT sure if this image excites or disturbs me.

  7. Ohhhh! I LOVE sparklies...why am I having flashbacks of scenes from Blades of Glory. Chazz Michael Michaels, anyone?
