Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what hides behind disaster is said to make you grow

If you want to mess with CrossFit RED, you have to do more than take our computers away and bring in a shitty little cold front! We now have our temporary blog spot which will carry us through Thanks giving and maybe even longer if we like it! Let us know what you think.

Warm Up: PVC

Snatch Balance 

On the minute for 12 minutes
2-Back Squat @ 65%
Max rep push-ups
Record total number of push-ups completed

Mobility: Stretches #2


  1. I like the blog PB. I think that for the cost (free) this could do almost everything that the old site could do.

  2. Also, there is the possibility of pairing published google docs spreadsheets with the blog to act as an archive for results to the wods and again it would be free :-)

  3. Anyone know how you get to this site from an Iphone?

  4. Nate, can you not open it under safari? I just tried it and it worked on my phone.

  5. Thanks Melissa. Just had to get to it once, now I have it as an app.

  6. You found an app. for it?! You'll have to show me where you got that!
