Monday, February 7, 2011

Am I sapposed to write my score?

This is supposed to be what you look like after a 461 Fight Gone Bad. It's not normal on many occasions to still even be alive or able to look someone in the face ever again after such a ridiculous score, considering your face would tear off at such speeds. We understand this from our mighty mouse, Lil J because we have seen great feats conquered in her grips. Congrats to her and all of our FGB athletes as they knocked some oldies off the board and set a new stage of standards.
We will be listing all athletes who have committed to Sectionals early next week. We will also be releasing all information regarding sectionals schedules and format of judging. Stay tuned for more great shots as all our incredible coaches and athletes prepare for battle in the 2011 Crossfit Games.


Run 800m
10-Box Jump (24/20)
20-Pull Ups
30-Push Ups (w/Hand Release)
40-KB Snatch (53/35)
50-Wall Ball (20/12)
40-KB Snatch (53/35)
30-Push Ups (w/Hand Release)
20-Pull Ups
10-Box Jump (24/20)
Run 800m


Mobility: Trigger point

Folks this will be a sell out series. Learn from our best "boys in blue" on hand to hand self defense including weapons control, escape awareness, fit to fight, and more. Only a few spots are left so please email us at to register for this free clinic. The clinic this Saturday is FREE from 6-7 and special pricing for members and non members will be discussed then for the continuation of the 6 week Series. Please write in subject line- register me;)

1 comment:

  1. Sad to have missed the FGB fest on Sunday!
    Looks like everyone was on fire ~ especially you, J!!! Keep it up and the worlds will belong to RED! Ya'll make this ole' lady SO PROUD!
