Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It Aint Easy, Baby

 Nick Peck knows that it aint easy getting to warrior status. He, however has proven through hard work and dedication that ALL THINGS CAN BE DONE! There are many exceptions of course, but let's stay focused: You want C2B pull-ups: done, 3/4 bodyweight cleans: done, incredible endurance: done, wrist, ankle flexibility: done, strong back: done, bullet proof shoulders: done. There are just a few things you must remember to obtain these great crossfit achievements or more in a lifetime:
1) Work hard to attain your goal, 2) Never give up, 3) Believe IT CAN BE DONE!

Warm up: CF/BW

2008 CF Games Sunday WOD
30 Squat Clean & Jerk (155/100)

Pistol-Single Leg Squat
"Skill work"
Pistol on box
Pistol holding bar
Pistol- band supported

*Spend 15-20 minutes working on different variations
and scaled versions of the pistol

Mobility: Trigger Point

Direct from crossfitgames.com>

Greg Glassman, CrossFit CEO

2011 CrossFit Games

More Information About the Open

Greg Glassman Weighs In, More Details Are Announced

CrossFit CEO and Co-founder Greg Glassman has raised two goals for the CrossFit Games process. He wants to find the fittest man and woman in the world, while making the process as inclusive as possible. In his words, the goal is to "dig to the bottom of the well, and come up with the best." The CrossFit Games Open is the first step in this intense and extensive process.
Some have raised concerns about cheating in the Open, but Coach doesn't think there's going to be much of an incentive for it. Any athlete who wrongfully makes it to the Regionals, will quickly be shown to be a fraud in competition. Who wants that?
This year, there are 17 Regionals throughout the world. The top 60 men and 60 women from each region during the Open will advance to Regional competition. Similarly, the top 30 teams in each Region will advance to Regionals. For each age bracket of the Masters, the top 20 men and top 20 women worldwide will advance to the Games with no Regional competition.


  1. I remember the first few times I saw Nick at the Box. It looked like he was there only because Amber made him go. Never imagined he'd stick with it. Man, was I wrong! That's the beauty of CF; people of all abilities show up, and it's usually those of us who seem the least likely to succeed that get sucked into Red's craziness. I think it's the rapid improvement that hooks us...that and the pain in muscles that we didn't realize we had.

    Nice work, Nick.

  2. By-the-way, Patrick forgot to post that there is a Snowshoe Trip planned for this Saturday. The plan is to do part of the Crag Cress Trail at the top of the Mesa. Gather at the Box by 9 A.M. If you've never 'shoed, dress in layers--thin layers. Bring a small backpack/daypack with lunch/snacks. If it looks like it might snow, pack some goggles. You can rent at Gene Taylors (call and make sure, however).

    If this is your first experience, it is much like walking, only in clown shoes. If you enjoy cross-country skiing, you are in for a treat. Snowshoeing is a CrossFitter's dream. Hope to see you there.

  3. Maybe this is not an appropriate comment for this forum but I notice that many of you/us have tattoos so, I thought I'd give it a whirl. I am about to get a tattoo touchup and have some questions on price. The touchup requires one color and shouldn't take more than an hour. He says Ill be there over an hour and it will cost 100-150$. Is this negotiable?

  4. Brad - no corrections ... just want to say how much I enjoy your posts :) Don't think we'll be able to make the shoe trip this weekend, but I giggle every time I think of your and Weavy's "first date" in the snow shoe arena... have fun all - it's a great experience!

    Keelin - you need to get Jeremy's number from PB or Claire & Jerry - he's the bomb and won't cost that much! Can't wait to get my next one!

    ps. you need to go with Kellin to get YOUR TAT!...just sayin'...

  5. ...pss. the ps. was for you Ol' Brad!

  6. So I've been going crazy trying to think of one word to describe what we do here. Finally, finally- I got one- tell me what you think!!!---Holysh!ticantbeleivehowgoodifeelafterthatwodholdonasecondigottagopuke!

  7. Goat--Do you ever let the puke dry in your beard...and snack on it later? Just asking.

    Makin' my appointment today, C-Det.

  8. lil j-i signed up for the running clinic on sunday but may be about 15 min late. am i gonna miss too much or be a pain?

    ps. i'm sure it's a little taboo to mention and i am afeard of the wod i'll have to suffer through for saying it but has anybody noticed GG is a little tubby? i wonder if his jowls impair burpees.

    pss. billy goat you should get a tramp stamp that says that.


    YES, Keelin- it is negotiable! That price seems uncool and unfair, but who knows... Go to Jeremy at Apex and tell him you are a crossfitter at RED and he will get you set. If that is who you already talked to, then he knows what he is talking about;)
