Monday, February 7, 2011

Fight Gone Sunday

 There was only one issue with today's "Fight Gone Bad" WOD...
well, maybe it was the fact no one other than US really benefited.  Next time it will be different and much more impactful. September support..remember the troops!

That's okay though. We are getting practice and breaking serious FGB barriers. Our athletes are getting beyond ridiculous with there numbers. We'll let you check new PR's for yourself. The thing's all about doing your best and that's what we;)

Warm Up: CF/BW

Split Jerk

On the minute for 20 minutes 1-Squat Clean

*Use the same weight for all 20 reps- this should be at least 85-90% of your 1rm squat cleans
* Pick the heaviest weight you can do for all 20 reps

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch


  1. Ok, first off...Thanks for a good WOD today Cody. On paper, i thought this wasn't going to be intense enough but it was a great opportunity to target Squat clean FORM with a heavy weight...
    Second, i may be waking a sleeping giant here seeing as how I've managed to fly under the radar when it comes to incurring the friendly gibes and proofreading from ol' brad but I couldn't help but notice the extra spectators we had here watching us on saturday's wod (btw..where were you Kerry B??) I thought they were all there to check out my awesome technique but it turns out they were all stood up on their snowshoeing date with ol' brad....tsk tsk old man.

    As I watch that Manbearpig JJ creep up the leaderboards with his incredible times (see saturday's FGB) Can't help but be curious how he spends his private time? chowing down on raw meat and steroids, followed by a little 'gator wrestling then going to the toilet to shit out P90x videos?

    that guy is killing it....

  2. Gee Jeff, thanks for making me feel bad...wished I had been in good enough health to lead the pack, but other than feeling drained from the evening before, I didn't want to do what the bear (and the Pope) does in the woods. I guess my cred went down the crapper with JJ's P90X videos.
