Thursday, February 24, 2011

She 's Huff Enough

She is woman. She has come so far...great form, strength is rising, awarness of movement, confident attitude. Dawn Huff is graduating herself...evolving if you will. We love her dedication and hard work. Keep it up Ecofly!

Warm Up: DYMO

Deadlift (225/155)

GHD Sit Ups
3 x 20

Mobility: Foam Roller


  1. PB...I love the pictures and creativity.
    When I reflect on our beginnings at Red I smile in amazement by the progress made by all. Our box is truly head and shoulders above most and I believe that this is a result of you and the crew you have surrounded yourself with. I was explaining Red to someone the other day and through my explanation I came to the realization that the brotherhood I have experienced there is similar to the brotherhood I experienced with my military unit and my college team as we prepared for battle. We are greater than the sum of our parts and as I stand sidelined for this battle I stand with a smile because our team, my team, is prepared for battle and will represent all that we stand for at Red. I urge all to participate in the open. It will be a blast and there is nothing as rewarding as leaving it all on the field come game day.
    My surgery went excellent yesterday and I am without much pain today. Quoting a sentence I wrote in Fisher DeBerry's book The Power of Influence "when things get tough, I joke with my wife that we are simply reliving my first two years at the Air Force Academy. If we keep our heads up and our legs driving, things will get better, and success will be inevitable." My head is up and my legs are driving.

  2. Glad you got through the surgery ok Nate. You're a firebreather of the first magnitude and I'm gonna miss chasing your times on the board for awhile...although i know you'll be back soon enough!

    In the meantime I am proposing a "Mr. Nate Beard" Warrior WOD....500 box jumps for time...We'll hold it as a fundraiser with the proceeds going to gifts of chocolates and Oprah DVD's to assist Nate during his recovery and downtime....

    Hang in there man!

  3. how do i sign up for sectionals?!
    Hello RED heads!

  4. Chad!!! How are you?! I can't wait to hear how it was :) Are you back in town?!

  5. Davey is in Phoenix today, threw in his 1st Highland Games competition of the year. It's kinda like fields events on steroids for those who've never seen it. Throwing stones instead of shot puts; throwing heavy weights for height and distance; caber toss where a telephone pole-like log is thrown for accuracy. He got 2nd place, not bad as the guy who got 1st has been the top thrower nationally for a few years now. Thanks for all the good luck wishes. If anybody's ever interested in competing let us know there will be games June/July in Payson and Lehi Utah and Denver Aug and Estes Park Sept. There may also be local games in August. It would be a fun way for some other manbearpig like Kirk or Jeremy to compete and establish dominance.

    Nate glad to hear surgery went well. Clearly you're on some OK pain meds too . . . or did you really write The Power of Influence . . . can't believe Ol Brad missed that

  6. RED is CLEARLY leaps and bounds ahead of the game when it comes to creating amazing manbearpigs! Great attitude Nate - keep on "heel-ing" :) and Great job Dave! Would love to see some video of your comp if you have any!? Chad, we have missed you and thought of you often...come see us ASAP as surely you have become a grown manbearpig in the last few months!

    Kerry, we need to come up with a name for our amazing women (great pic Dawn, keep up the good work!) - hmmmmm, something along the lines of kittywomenmantises?! just a thought...

  7. Chad- definitely let us know if you're REALLY in town. We would love to see you.

    Celeste- kittywomenmantises??? you're still crazy.

    Kerry- I only wrote a couple pages in The Power of Influence...not the whole book.

    Jeff- the thought of 500 box jumps for time makes my eyes water and my other achilles tendon ache. I will be a much smarter CFer in the coming years.

  8. Sorry to hear about your injury, Nate. And just when I was going to challenge you to a head-to-head Fran. Now THAT should inspire a quick recovery!

    Chad, hope to see you while you are on leave. Gotta check your handshake dexterity.

  9. Kerry, In the presence of Davey. I feel more like a boycubswine.....than a MANBEARPIG!!! I actually have some interest in that.. One of crossfits implications is to "regularly learn, and play, new sports". Hell of an idea.
