Friday, February 4, 2011

Packed House

This pic doesn't quit do our point justice, but those who Wod together at Noon, 4:30, 5:30 know whats goin down. It's all goin down. Sompin's goin down. Possibly the's a packed house. We love packed classes. We also love open gym, we also love small classes. What ever the case may be, get to love it. Just make it yours. Go hard, go easy, go light, go for a PR, go for the sake of just say you came today> just GO! Many of us are injured right now...are we doing things wrong?  The answer is NO...we are just going for it, and now we have to therapy and rest so that we may GO once again soon.
So, come on...let's GO. Hope to see many of you dressed very warm to GO SNOW shoeing at 9am- meet at RED;)

Warm up: Coaches choice


Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Stretch afterwards


  1. Excited for my fist Saturday morning workout :)

  2. Speaking of packed house...the husband has decided to have UFC fights (Saturday night) and Superbowl party at our house. So anybody and everybody is invited, and yes I mean everybody. If you go to Red then you are family and welcome in my home anytime!! Call me 260-5002 or Bryan 216-8419 for directions. Hope to see another packed house ;)

  3. Yo, peoples of RED...those who showed up to snow shoe- sorry about the turnout! Temp injured back(PB) and a stomach flu(BS) stopped a few head trail masters from leading the way on the Mesa. Word had it though that Crags was closed anyway and we are rescheduling for early March. Sorry for any inconvenience. FGB Super bowl Sunday at 1:30p! This one is ON no matter what!!!! Everyone can show!!

  4. Watching the SB45 Pre-Game activities, I noticed one commercial for one of the local fitness gyms (no name mentioned, although they do share part of our name). Their theme is something like: "It's About Me"

    The thing I like about Red is "It's About US"

    By pushing one another, we improve ourselves.
