Thursday, February 17, 2011


Everyday Warrior. It means something. It means you come in to your domain or territory, mark and x on the floor (map) where you will sweat, yell, and lay your body down after pushing through extreme discomfort and pain beyond what most are willing to go through. This all to become better and to push the limits of your own mental and physical state. You cannot NOT grow. You have no choice but to win. Do your self a favor and write on your bathroom mirror today in chalk, lipstick or whatever... "I AM WARRIOR" take it to that special place and write "I AM CROSSFIT". Either will serve you forever. 
Get Some.

Warm Up: CF/BW

3 Position Snatch
5 Rounds

*High hang, above knee, floor

15 Minute AMRAP
5 Toe to bar
10 Box Jump (24/20)
15 Ball Slam (40/25)

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch



  1. FYI 20 Ball Slams is what the workout calls for..... Huge difference.

  2. Kirk I was just looking at that when I was posting and thought I was loosing it and did 5 extra reps per round!!

  3. Awesome pic of Ed Red....just needs a hunk of meat hangin out of his mouth....

    Thanks for the self help tips PB...i'm saving some room on my mirror after my daily ritual of writing "Dear God, why?" in blister blood after stumbling home from Red....

  4. so i've noticed when i post on WOTWB after a few of the workouts it says "(kirk osborne)." does this mean kirk is doing some programming for Red? whoever did it i thought yesterday's wod was great, i have totally missed slam ball. although now that it's 25# instead of the old 12# i'm not sure it will be one of my fave's for too much longer.

    ps JEff H i am so impressed with the progress you've made in the past few months. you can reach up and write on the mirror after a wod now!! as your across the street neighbors we are sure glad you no longer collapse into a sobbing mess on your front lawn after the wods. that was always so awkward. great job!! we're proud of ya!!

  5. I got tired of Davey coming over and kicking me....
