Wednesday, February 23, 2011


You gotta love Paulie. He is an avid kick boxer and martial artist, an east coast pit bull that loves to pay cash for everything and Crossfits with everything hes got. Anyone feels good when they have this guy wodding next to them because they know he's going to give it all he's got and cheer for you at the same time. Catch him at lunch time for a good east coast accent complimenting a wise crack right before a WOD.


3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull Ups

Squat Clean

Mobility: Trigger Point

If you fear injury, you probably aren't pushing it. If you get injured, you were probably pushing beyond your bodies capacity. If you ARE injured...well, like some of us unfortunately...then you have to put all things in perspective. 

1) They are gods gift for us to pay special attention to something.
2) They teach us how to adapt and overcome.
3) They turn us towards other strengths
4) They make us stronger

Time will treat us as we treat our selves so don't let it go to your head. Here are some crucial tips:

-Drink more water than anything. (reverse osmosis or distilled)
-Take fish oils- mega dose of 10-12 OmegaPlex
-Massage, Chiropractic and Acupuncture are King. Find the best in Tara Devi- Serenity
-Eat more dark greens. (spinach, kale, broccoli, swiss chard)
-Eat more root veggies (parsnips, beets)
-Eat more high protein grains like Quinoa and Spelt.
-Eat free range protein and keep it light like fish and turkey.
-Take Amino Acids to keep your muscle integrity. ie: Catalyst
-Take herbs and minerals that help you heal. ie: Bio Tools, Calcium Plus
-Sleep more (8 hours+)
-Stretch daily
-Read books that help your attitude. ie: Compassionate Samurai
-Keep moving. If you can, do Crossfit therapy WODS. (Attend Weavers Recovery course)
-Say the word "injury" 1000 times while looking at it, and it becomes a foreign word;)

Marcus Aurelius said: “Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”

Good healing to our athletes that are under going therapy for there injuries, may you keep good spirits and help others while you are down. You will heal stronger.


  1. Preview of the 2011 Crossfit Reebok Games

  2. I meant Reebok Crossfit Games!...? How's that for gaining priority?

  3. Nate - all of RED is with you today and throughout your recovery ... take advantage of some down time with those precious little ones, cuz they will be bigger than you before you know it! (just don't watch the big box of _____ while they are around-ha!)
    2012 has your name all over it!
    Ashley - let us know if we can help!

  4. Holy Shit... This video outta get you going!!!! New Zealand Rugby....( Maori Tribal chant) WOW! Copy and paste this link to the address bar...

  5. If he were Italian, I'd call him Paulie, but this Mick needs to be called Sullie. He is tough as nails, but gentle as a lamb. Hold pads for him sometime and receive one of his kicks if you want to experience the meaning of power.
