Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mental Endurance

Do you have true Mental Endurance? Not the kind that gets you through a long WOD, but the stuff that overrides your patience to get results. Think about it before you tout your claim to greatness. The things we practice make us who we are; simple right? The human condition crowns us with all sorts of inefficiencies and imperfections, so what are yours? Reflect today on what you can do against your usual daily habitual ritual and go outside of it to achieve mental endurance. Listen to someone that you usually wouldn't. Help someone that doesn't benefit you. Stick in there to close a deal. Warm up to really prepare yourself. Compliment your spouse all day...This is a hint of mental endurance- It CAN become habit. Let's do it and comment on our success!


10 Rounds for time of:
15-Push Ups
15-Abmat Sit Ups
150m Run

Wtd GHD Hip Ext. 3 x 10
Mobility: Trigger Point

QUICK THANKS to Cody Flemming for delivering nothing less than excellence in his incredible programming for us REDHEADS. He has a plan for all of us. He takes in regard our limits, our weaknesses, our equipment and our capacity. He delivers us our weekly Crossfit tasks with each one of our fitness desires in mind and ultimately making sure we stay strong and ahead of the crowd. He gets us ready for battle- thank him when you win.
From the pit of our stomach and our heart, we thank you Cody for being dedicated and precise in your assignments for us. We love to hate you, and hate to love you, and that's why we Love to say this:
Thanks for the WOD's, Bro!


  1. Today's WOD is 10rds which is an embarrassingly difficult number to count to when you're counting reps on other exercises while decreasing the oxygen going to your brain. I suggest recording each round as you complete it.

    Great job Cody. Thanks to your programing we have one of the more competitive gyms in the nation.

  2. Thanks for all the hard work you do for our gym Cody! I enjoy working out with you and Nate B in the morning, yall are very motivational and educated and never hold back from spreading your knowledge. THANKS!

  3. Sorry guys- forgot to post the rounds- just corrected it.
    For all athletes competing in Sectionals starting March 15- we will be gathering SUNDAY March 13th at 2pm to review sectionals guidelines, rules, expectations and how we can help you optimize your competition training. It is a WOD LUCK with some Wodding and food afterwards. There will be several posts regarding this gathering so nobody misses out.
