Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cold Stone Chillin

When we work our Crossfit Kids, they stay chilled out for days. This is one of our CF students after a WOD. Harding knew he was feeling tired after that Saturday, but he had no idea he would wake up so sore.

Warm Up: Coaches Choice

Double Unders

Wait 5-10 minutes after the WOD and then time your 1 mile run. Practice your pose running or just stay forward the balls of your feet.

Mobility: Band work off the bar and trigger point

As you prepare for the competition WOD for Saturday, please keep in mind a good rest day with plenty of mobility work. A 20 minute AMRAP sucks no matter what it is, but throw in that combo and life is painful for at least half of it. Eat light, drink tea, sleep big and spark up in the morning. See you all soon.

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