Thursday, April 7, 2011

Good Times

Sometimes you're killin it, sometimes your watchin em die. 

Warm Up: DYMO

12 Minute AMRAP
10 Push Ups (hands release)
10 Lunges each leg (20 total)
10 KB Swings (53/35)

Coaches mobility

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch
THE OPEN WOD: Please note that this Saturday from 11-2p CROSSFIT JUNCTION will be hosting the OPEN QUALIFIERS WOD. They are in need of volunteers, equipment runners and are going to 
happy to cheer you on as Crossfit family does. 
*Please note that you will be expected to be judged by a level 1 CF coach that understands standards and guidelines, not your friend Jed who happens to be slouched against a plyo-box counting reps through his Milwaukees Best mustache. So if you can't make Saturday, get a certified coach to for proper validation!

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