Monday, April 18, 2011

Helluva Team

Warm up: BERG
+ Light KB Snatch technique

Partnered WOD
7 Rounds
1 minute KB Snatch (53/35)
1 minute 180 Degree Burpee

*Use a running clock for this WOD,
total 14 minutes. Partners switch movements every minute.
*Score total Burpees and KB Snatches completed.
*Use a tab to keep score for each movement- no transition time allowed.

4 X 250 meter row- rest either 1 minute or between partners attempts
*Go all out- record all 4 attempts.

Mobility: Band stretches off the bar


  1. please note how we left a hole in the middle representing our absent Bates!! hope you guys had a great time bull riding, can't wait to see the video.

  2. Now THAT'S a good lookin team!!! Strong work everyone, and special props to Nat for making that wod her b#^%* :)
