Monday, April 25, 2011

Proper Prep and finish

Got Low back pain? Join the gang...quit whining and spend more time and energy on your warm ups and mobility stretches. If that doesn't work, then you can whine...but chances are you will morph into a sophisticated, self aware problem solver. They don't whine much..they adapt and overcome.

Warm Up: CF/BW + 15 GHD Sit Up/Ext. + couch stretch
*Complete your warm up with max number of dead-hang pull ups.

KB Swing (70/53)
Ball Slam (40/20)

*Differentiate the hip drive for the KB swing and the use of the quads
out the bottom of the ball slam. Keep your eyes in view of the coach
at all times.

150 medium paced jumping jacks without stopping-
keeping stable shoulder blades and active core throughout.

Mobility: Trigger point low back (feet on box) and posterior ribs
Stretch glute/piriformis and low lat area. See video below.

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