Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Battle is Announced

A calm succumbs those in a fold on the rower...this is JJ's tale before the double under storm. With a 1:42 average 500 pull, JJ had a lead that would only be flanked by a bad rope coil. Get your own Jump rope here;)>  Highly recommended!!

Warm up: PVC

5 rounds for time of:
 5 ring dips
10 jump lunge (each leg)
20 ab mat sit ups

Supine ring row

Mobility: Stretch# 1

Saturday December 18th from 9am to 3pm
There will be 3 WODS...

Weigh ins are at 9am (to be official!)

WOD #1-(From 9:45-11:15a) located at either CFRED or Stoker Stadium- announced at CFR 9:10am- so don't be late!! - (90 points)
For Time:
5 RM Clean & Jerk, 400 run, 100 meter bear crawl

WOD #2 (12p to 1p)- (90 points)
15 minute AMRAP of:
5 chin ups (underhand grip- kips allowed)
10 push press (75/45)
15 front Squats (75/45)

WOD#3 (2-3p) (120 points)
500 meter row, 250 singles, 125 double unders, 60 c2f push ups (release hands with lock knees), 30 burpees, 15 supine ring pulls (chin/chest passes palms)

Please bring your friends to cheer you on. This is a fun comp day to celebrate your chance for sectionals. Bring your own hydration bottle, prepare your food and get ready to be filmed. Don't worry about the details, just show to go!! Let's go, athletes! Spark provided!!

Please respond with your comments:)


  1. I bought a Nike jump rope at Sports Authority. Of all the ropes I've used at Red, the Nike was the only one that consistently worked for me (there are two at Red, by the way) and that's why I bought my own. Try it; you might like it.

  2. What is an "RM Clean & Jerk"? It is the RM that is not ringing a bell.

  3. I agree on WOD many questions.
    How many rounds? What weight C&J? What is RM?

  4. Maybe 5 rep max, for weight, to be scored as time and load? Not sure on the rounds?
