Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jeff, you have to!

If you think that Jeff H. should quit his job if they keep him from the 
Battle of the Best, then say "hell yea"!

Warm up: DYMO

6 rounds with w/ 1 minute rest between rounds.

3 min amrap
3 power clean (155/100)
6 push ups (with hands release at the bottom)
9 squats/ 9 ring dips

Do squats on rounds 1,3,5
Do dips on rounds 2,4,6

Bent over row   3 x 10

Mobility: Stretch and foam roll

Please check out our new front page and give us your thoughts. Does it still load slow?


  1. Hell Yea! Appreciate the support...maybe a letter writing campaign to my boss...? Pass the hat for my mortgage payment and i'm in! PB could always hire me to clean the toilets...specially after my little meet and greet with Senor Pukie last night!
    If I don't make it...Good luck and congrats to all you awesome athletes...Goat and young Michael hopefully will kick Weaver's ass :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jeff, must have been the Tequila, eh? J/K friend! Nice time last night, I too met with the puke monster, on my drive home no less. Hope you can make the "battle". Todays WOD may have the same result, looks intense, can't wait to hit it!

  4. Well, PB i was a little sceptical at the end of the 24 day challenge after i achieved a whopping zero weight loss. this week however i got new PRs on clean and jerks, 110# clean and 105# jerk; also did the WOD rx today with 100# cleans which wouldn't have been possible a few weeks ago. i have to admit those are pretty good gains in the past month! the only drawback is the new onset lactose intolerance!! let's hope i can still drink beer. . . ps it's really Kerry B

  5. Interesting. I also worked up a lactose intolerance on my last cleanse... had to spend weeks slowly incorperating several gallons of ice cream back into my system
