Friday, December 17, 2010


A look through the lens at a busy gym, getting it done and manifesting results.



To remind you-
Heats for the all events are based alphabetically and as follows:


Andrea Ager
Jana Bates
Kerri Beinlich
Celeste Detwiler
Sarah Francis

Toni Lee
Mary Beth Litsheim
Jessica Lowdermilk
Natalie Mclain
Amber Peck
Naomie White


Nate Beard
Chad Sullivan
Josh Francis
Billy Foster
Austin Mullenix
Michael Merluzzi
Kirk Osborn
Samuel Matthews

Jeff Taets
Isaac Toomer
Derek Sjolund
Jeremy Smith
Randy Roman
David Weaver
Jeff Wilson
Adam Winch

SCHEDULE- print if you want-
Weigh ins at 9- over by 9:30

There has been some confusion on the point system, so rather than prolonging the pain, we simply release and adapt! NO POINTS! Instead we will do modification penalties.

1st mod from 185/115 to 165/105 is a 1 minute penalty, 2nd mod at 145/105 is a 2 minute penalty

Warm up is up to the athlete and starts at 10a.
First Heat starts at 10:10- cut off is 10 minutes.
Second Heat at 10:20...and so on.

WOD #1
5 Clean & Jerk (ground to overhead lockout) -no rep if no lock out.
400 meter run-  run from your bar to your coach standing in line with their bar on the bear crawl line.
100 meter bear crawl- start behind the line and palms must hit the ground

Head back to CFR and be set up for wod #2 by 11a. Go over rules, standards by11:15
First WOD starts at 11:20 and heats interval every 20 minutes.
Make sure your box is set up for chin up and bar is set up with your weight.
HEAT 1- 10:10am
HEAT 2- 10:20am 
HEAT 3- 10:40am 
HEAT 4- 10:50am

no weight mods, full extension on all moves- 2 warnings until we start to repeat counts...1,2,3,4,5,5,5,6,7,8,8,8...etc...get the point?!

5 Pullups- chin clears bar, arms fully extend, no butterflies
10 Push Press 75/55- warnings if you jerk or just press, then repeat count if no response, full extension with ear showing---warning, then repeat rep if no head through.
15 Front squats-75/55- warning if you don't pass 90, the repeat count, full extension of hips, no squat clean counts.
HEAT 1- 11:20am
HEAT 2- 11:40am
HEAT 4- 12:20pm

NO mods for rowing, SU's or DU's- 1 minute penalty for a 10 lb weight drop in tire drag, no mods for push ups, 1 minute penalty for kips on HSPU and a 1 minute penalty for added abmat.

500 meter row
250 SU's
125 DU's
60 ft tire drag- must be hand over hand, pulled across each line before you move.
30 H2F push ups- hands fully extended to your side targets between reps, hips or knees cannot hit floor
15 Burpee HSPU's- hips fully extend, must clap, head must touch target (ground/abmat) on HSPU  and must return to full standing position before returning into burpee. TIME!
HEAT 1a- 1pm/ HEAT 1b-1:10pm
HEAT 2a- 1:20pm/ HEAT 2b- 1:30pm
HEAT 3a- 1:40pm/ HEAT 3b- 1:50pm
HEAT 4a- 2pm/ HEAT 4b- 2:10pm


See you all then!


  1. Aww caved in! Only because Chad was bitching and moaning about having to count points? seeing as how he was prolly not even going to be deducted any.....what a whiner!
    Good luck y'all. Am expecting Billy Goat to give Nate a run for his money....

  2. I have no doubt that Billy Goat and many others will give me an enormous challenge. Red is significantly more competitive than it was only 12 months ago. I love it!
    After looking over the WODs for today I have two questions.
    1. WOD 2, Push Press:: "warning if you jerk or just press" I understand what you are trying to accomplish here but... it is easy to determine if an athlete is performing a jerk but for a light push press it is nearly impossible to tell if I am generating my power with the triple joint extension or in my shoulders alone. I am assuming that all the judges will be looking for is a bend in the knees at the start of each rep.
    2. WOD 3, 30 H2F Pushups:: "hips or knees cannot hit floor" once again I'm confused as to how you will judge and enforce this. What if the athlete is resting? What if the athlete considers it 30 individual reps with a "rest" between each rep. They would be lifting their hips and knees off the floor at the beginning of each rep.

  3. I just wanted to take a minute and say great job to everyone who competed today. Sorry I couldn't watch the whole thing, but from what I saw everyone was giving 100%, supporting each other in an amazing way and truly having a lot of fun. It was a pleasure to watch. Great job guys!!

  4. Great experience, I am totally destroyed... That may have been the hardest athletic endeavor that I have ever attempted....I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this gym/family... awesome job to all that were a part of this.... I will see everyone on Friday when my body recovers from this insanity! ha ha ha...

  5. I just want to say GREAT JOB to everyone who took part in the Battle of the Best. You all inspired me to be able to compete in a challenge some day. I have never seen so much heart and determination in one room!! Truly awesome and glad I could catch a little bit of the show in between clients at work!!!

  6. One of the greatest things about Red is how everybody pitches in. Getting things loaded on trucks to go to-and-from Stocker Stadium was amazing. No one stood around watching others work; it was definitely a community effort. A tip o' the hat to Samuel and Nat on their top-of-the-heap honors; to C-Det and Jeff T representing the over-40 crowd with top 5 finishes; to the Mixter (Michael M) for competing head-to-head with the "grown-ups". Fifteen and only six months into the CrossFit insanity and places in the top ten! Watch out Sam, he has you in his cross-hairs!

  7. Oh, and kudos to El Blandito for running a great event. Had a lot of fun helping out with a number of great folks. Thanks Em for making my day easier.

  8. Had a great time yesterday, thanks to everybody for putting together a great event. Special props to STEVE for the excellent elk burgers!!

    ALso thanks to Josh and Sarah for the after party and the best white elephant gift exchange ever! As we drove to the Beard residence last weekend Jeff H, Davey, and I were discussing whether Nate could really be as great a guy as he seems; great athelete, humble, beautiful family, etc. Well last night his flaw was finally revealed: Nate is a sex pervert. Seriously, hold a box of 20-30 pounds of porno under his nose and you will see his eyes light up. I'm not judging it's just nice to know we're all human. And one other thing, Nate if you're reading this CD put me up to it!

  9. "ONLY FIVE MORE,GOAT- DON'T STOP NOW!" I don't know who screamed that in my ear when I was almost done with the push-ups yesterday, but the words are still bouncing around in my head! Really want to thank everyone who was there supporting. Never realized how cool it would be to have someone right by your side pushing you-THANK YOU Lisa, Ty and Melissa(for reminding me to breathe!)and everyone else who helped judge and coach. Sonya and I have been here 9 months and I feel like I've grown as much as any other ten years! I have always lost composure in life when 'competing'. Somebody needs to think up a new word for it. I have realized that when someone says "good job, Billy", my response is almost always "I'm just havin' fun". I'm 42 in February, and I feel like a healthy 20! Yesterday was one of my best experiences in life! I love all you guys! Thanks for being a second family!!!
