Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Virgin competitor...not really

Isaac takes the Battle beatdown with aces up on this shot. After setting a steady pace in both the first and second WOD, he found a fight waiting for him at the gates of the third exercise in WOD #3. His usual DU warm up looks like a large plane propeller before take off, but this time his calves were smoked like salmon and the rhythm of the rope was lost. Kudos to his placing second, however in "The Battle of the Best". It was his first officially "judged" competition, but certainly not his last.

Warm up: PVC/BERG

Max Reps BW Bench Press
Max Rep Pull ups

Move directly from Bench Press to Pull ups
*Kipping pull ups allowed

GHD Sit ups

Foam Roller

Check out our previous post to review our gift to you. This is our best way of saying Merry Christmas. Ohh! We do have one other way of getting you into the spirit. Check out our new Holiday video! Also found on the main crossfitred.com site. -Shotty film, amature video software, scarce material, copyrighted music probably, but the athletes busting their butts in this video just show the nature of who we are. Nice work, guys!


  1. May i be the first to say I can't wait to see Chad leave!! Seriously, rope muscle ups with a shirt on?!? bastard.

    I missed it yesterday but I think we should give JeffH 2 free months cuz then he could afford whiskey AND jambalaya!

  2. LOOOOOOOOOOVE the video PB :)

    Ummmmm, I'd like to nominate me...oops, I don't pay ... I GET paid to make you peeps work ... lucky us, eh!?

    Too many awesome nominations to pick just one...so GOOD LUCK everyone...you are good people :)

    If you get it Jeff H, get Chad drunk with the whiskey and ride him like a horse as a going away gift...he LOVES that :)

  3. I was too sore on Sunday following PB's insanity to post bingo's musing from the Main Site, so though late, here it is...and I'll try to post it faithfully each week...

    Sunday musings...

    1) Caterwauling. Oh, I like that word very much, thank you.

    2) Vacation mode. The present state of my brain. Apparently this is an "auto-start" thing for my particular brain as I will not be on vacation until sometime in mid-February.

    3) Homework. "The Heir's" dog, Abbie, ate my surgical charts the other night. We came home from dinner to find my charts strewn over the kitchen floor in various states of chewed.

    That's right...my dog ate my homework.

    4) True science is to technical proficiency as music is to playing an instrument.

    5) Compliance. There is a long-standing conversation in medicine about the challenges faced by patient non-compliance. Recently a newer word, indeed a newer concept has been added to the conversation: adherence. I think this is actually a better word for the problem in the world of my day job, and I think these two words apply to our Crossfit world, too.

    Adherence implies the simple following of a program, following instructions. It's a measure in part of how simple or easy it might be to go along with what has been prescribed. People who ADHERE to the prescription do so without much understanding of what is asked, and certainly do so without much in the way of buy-in. This probably represents the majority of the interactions between prescriber and prescribee. Understanding this is to accept as the prescriber the necessity of consciously looking for and then removing as many barriers that might reduce adherence (for instance, a one time/day medicine chosen over a four time/day one).

    COMPLIANCE, on the other hand, strongly implies a significant measure of buy-in on the part of the prescribed to. This is actually one of the reasons I am pleased that "compliance" is being replaced with "adherence" in my day job, because it's just really difficult to effect this buy-in. But here, in Crossfit, it's all about compliance. You simply MUST understand the prescription in order to receive the benefit. You simply MUST buy-in to the prescription in order to receive the benefit. In the Crossfit gym there is a shared responsibility to achieve compliance, shared by both coach and athlete.

    Here, in the cyber-gym, or in your garage gym, it is left to YOU, and you alone, to determine if you are adherent or truly compliant.
