Monday, December 27, 2010

Athlete of the Month

More shots from the battle coming

Warm up: DYMO

4 rounds of 
10 burpees with parrallettes
15 kb swings (53/25)
10 Goblet squats (53/25)

1 arm db sotts press
3 x 5 (each arm)

Mobility: Dynamic stretch

Please congratulate Stacy Wilson when you see her next for earning December's Athlete of the Month award to end this year right. There are many deserving candidates for this award, however it is Stacy that has risen above the rest for her tenacious quest for better health and fitness. Job well done, Stacy.
You can read her award up front on the back of our "Building Everyday Warriors" signs.

There will be only 12 chosen in 2011 and we hope it's YOU, whoever YOU are. It will most likely not be something you go for, rather it will be based on your dedication to your self and your fitness. It celebrates massive change and recognizes a certain sort of morphing that occurred in a short period of time. At the end of the year, we will choose one female and one male athlete of the year to represent CFR. This year's athletes are chosen and will be revealed within the next several posts.


  1. Yo CrossfitRed: I opened the blog this am in anticipation and excitement....ready to see my workout pal Stacy Wilson displayed under the banner "athlete of the month"....and what do I get instead?...a pic of Nate don't get me wrong...utmost respect and props to Mr. Nate Beard...but c'mon...he's already established himself as the athlete of the month...the year...the decade and most likely the millenium.....He is the grail to which we are all questing to find....(not to sound too gay here...or to compare Mr. Nate Beard to the son of god) Stacy?!?!? I had the joy and recurring pleasure of shedding blood, sweat and tears next to this woman and her husband for well over a year now and I gotta say...excellent choice! I was amazed a few weeks ago watching her rip out kips and double unders....I see her wodding by herself some days and showing the same intensity as if she was surrounded by ChadS and the Goat bearing down on a 2 minute Fran.....Congrats Stace!! Good job and keep it up....soooo inspiring!

  2. First off- Sorry about the lack of pics for our champion athlete. Actually I only have video for Stacy so if someone would like to contribute some warrior shots, I'd be much obliged. The shot I captured on her athlete of the month sheet was a freeze frame shot from the video we have. This blog has a hard time accepting video sometimes which was the case last night. MORE PICTURES!

    one more thing about the New Years WOD-
    For the sake of respecting your sleep and "recovery" needs from New Years Eve...we have decided to run the WOD Saturday the 1st at 11AM.
    THATS SATURDAY 1/1/2011 at 11AM!
    See you then!

    I agree, GREAT choice!
    We have all watched you grow stronger as a Crossfit Woman and smaller as a hot lil' Momma!
    You are indeed an inspiration in humble tenacity, grit, power and kindness...keep up the good work, because you make those of us around you work harder :)

  4. PS. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...I already miss Chad :(

  5. Great job Stacy!! I have had the pleasure of WODing with Stacy for about a year now and have seen some excellent changes. Stacy you look great and we love ya!

    glad to hear there will be a New Year's WOD will it be preceded and followed by a champagne chug? will there be a kiss off at noon?!? i call dibs on Cha. . . damn it

    ps i think you put too many consonants in parrrrallllettttes i'm getting nauseous won't be able to do this wod . . .

  6. Excellent award to a well deserving Super Woman! Stacie, you have inspired me every single time that I have had the pleasure of working out with you; you truly lead by example!
