Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nothing Shocking

Nicole Free is standing up for what she believes in. Check out this beautiful display of positioning. When performing a Turkish get-up, you must practice keeping your eyes on the kettle bell through the entire movement. If it is hard to look at, then chances are you are misaligned and working against your leverage. You may take a small break when you reach the fully extended stance, then continue watching the kb into the down position.

Warm up: CF/BW

500 meter row
10 Box Jump
20 KB Snatch
30 Wall Ball
40 Ball Slam
50 Double Unders
40 Ball Slam
30 Wall Ball
20 KB Snatch
10 Box Jump
500 meter row

Wtd Abmat Sit-ups
3 x 15
Bent Over row
3 x 10 

Mobility: Trigger Point
Classes are "lite" right now. There are certain to blow the walls off starting the first of the year. The gym will be chaotic. We are all rededicating to our health, our fitness, our attitude. Make sure you warm up more than you usually do. Stretch a little longer and drink more water. Don't get over excited just because you can't wait to tear out of the lazy seat and speed pitch the sugar snacks into the dump.

No doubt, a break is good. Just insure you don't get injured and you have a plan.
Here is a good PLAN to put into action.

- Print the latest CFR PROGRAM HERE

- Add it to your CrossFit Binder or create one now.

- Set in your schedule 5 times in the week you will dedicate to CROSSFIT even if you are busy, injured or stressed. Remember, nothing is more important than your health so treat it that way.

- Bookmark and make sure your account is active. If not, EMAIL ME and I'll invite you to activate it. Go there and update any recent WODS, enter into your journal, practice logging food, and make sure you know when your last measurements were taken. Schedule a time with EMILY TO RE-ASSESS 424-5239 10a-3p

- Download the latest 24 DAY PALEOZONE packet. Mark your start date for your next 24 day challenge. Maybe its Jan. 3, maybe it's in March, either way make sure you understand the concept of planning your internal plumbing clean out. WE ALL NEED IT!

- Lastly, choose an EVENT to train for. Maybe its a vacation, maybe it's a competition. We are looking to host Sectionals this year sometime in March. Maybe you can think about that;) Make sure it pushes you to get commited. Get uncomfortable.

Oh, by the way, just in case you thought CrossFit was a little phase in the world of fitness, here is what some of the bigger companies in the world think about it>


  1. Awesome picture, Nicole. Many congratulations for how far you've come and all that you've accomplished. If I remember correctly, your accomplishments are way more than you were first thinking of.

    On another note: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently had their annual bueaty pageant. Now, you are probably thinking, "How do they really judge that with all the women covered head to toe in burka's?", right? Well, you decadent infidel, men there would never lower themselves to judging the physique of women, who are considered barely higher than the lowly dog (nothing meant badly towards you, Tucker, A-rabs just don't like dogs in general, they are considered extraordinarily unclean). Besides, judging a woman in the manner of our decadent western ladies bueaty pageants would be considered the height of evil and a horrific crime against Allah, his Prophet, Mohammed, and the holy Koran. Such evilness would be a capital offense and believe me, I've seen the results of such punishments; it ain't no fun.
    Yet, "Why do they feel the need for a beauty pageant, if it is so very evil and wrong?", you ask, my tender reader.
    Ah, thank you for asking, I'll answer this perplexing question.
    It is because we humans still have a base need to compare and exclaim beauty. We love a winner (volia Crossfit) and those who strive to win, whether they actually can or not is usually a mute point. Of course, there's more but let's let that suffice for now...
    So the Kingdom had it's annual, highly-celebrated, extensively attended bueaty pageant, with millions upon millions of rials and dollars and euros and other currency's spent by some of the worlds richest and years of building each contestant for the chance at fame and the lavish prize - the title as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Most Beautiful Goat, yes, I said GOAT.

    Ain't it great to be an American?!

  2. Ah, never cease to amaze me. Captivated with this story, I find myself thinking..."where the hell does he get the energy for such useless subjects"? (...CrossFit and taco time of course) Then I paused for a moment to reflect on the true beauty of my experience with this particular dissertation and I realized... this guy just loves to rant! Rant in poetic stride about both what makes you laugh and what gives you honor. I love that about you brother. No better place than on the crossfit Red blog to express your opinions in such a lyrical pursuit. I am sure you get more under-the-breath comments with a grin than you imagine. Please keep this satirical writing in full throttle!
