Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Countdown

 The "Battle" was a display of courage from the people that show daily at RED simply for their health and sanity. Both the competitors and the judges are every day average people giving above average efforts and showing off their above average training results. Above, Melissa encourages Billy after a 15 minute performance that would kill most 42 year-olds that don't crossfit. It just made Billy stronger though and that got Melissa more excited about her own potential. What a powerful trade off.

Warm up: CF/BW

5 rounds on the 5 minute interval

 2 rounds of:
10 wallballs (20/14)
15 ballslams (20/14)
10 box jumps (24/20)

*Record time to complete each round of 70 reps. Score is total working time of all 5 intervals.
*Last done 7/21/10

Slo-Mo GHD hip extensions 3 x 12

No swinging- maintain complete control of motion both up and down
No pause at the top- shoulders slightly above the hips

Mobility: Trigger point


INDEPENDENCE BOWL- Tonight (Monday) at 5pm (EST) Air Force and Georgia Tech go to battle in the V-100 independence Bowl. Why do we care? Well, a few of us like Air Force... a lot, and a few of us hate Air Force... a lot...and a few of us dont give a rat, but can't wait to see our famed Advocare logo all over the place. Advocare encompasses excellence and helps us daily deliver our best performace. Hope you get a chance to watch the game!
Here are the details on that particular bowl:
Here is the rest of the bowl game schedule

2011 WOD- Want to celebrate the New Year with us? Well, we might see each other on the eve of the New Year, but just in case we don't- we will be running our tradition of our New Year WOD 2011 on Saturday at 9am, Sunday at noon and a few loose gamers will get together Monday to get it done through the middle of the day at some point. Most likely at 9am and 2pm. If you are away for New Years and want to do 2011, then just visit Saturdays post and you can save it for the perrrrfect day;)
See you this week though!

24 DAY CHALLENGE- We will be hosting a 24 Day Paleo Challenge clinic Monday the 3rd at 7:30pm to get you guys plugged into healthy, clean living for 2011. Lets cut the fat together with a disciplined 24 days of cleaning out the pipes, dialing in the metabolism and creating new habits. Watch you crossfit performance go to new heights!


  1. FYI Everyone-
    Sir Chad leaves for the Air Force tomorrow at 9am. He will have his final wod at RED tomorrow morning (monday) at 6:30am. Come if you can

  2. Wish you the best Chad.

    Nate K

  3. Well, I tried to not be emotional with this, but failed. So I'm going to let the feelings roll out here, but my blog is strictly man talk ;)

    There is no excuse for all of you not to compete in the games. Do it! I believe the journey and the people will change your life, like it did mine. Train hard, you're stronger than yesterday.

    A final post. Wow there are so many things I could write about all of you and RED. Infact I started to outline several pages worth of all things I want to say. But it started to feel like writing a college paper. And I don't know if Ol'Brad could handle all of the mistakes it would have.

    Shorters better anyways, and I think I can put it well like this: These hills surrounding Grand Junction raised me. I've visisted them all so many times. Every trail out there is covered in memories of my upbringing and holds valubale lessons that have matured me. Leaving them will be like Tarzan leaving the trees. But I will find other hills, infact I can't wait to hike new trails. If you could materialize memories into...oh say, cheezits. Grand Junction would have cheezits lying all over the place, but they would all be entwined into a giant spider web, leading to the cheezit factory. RED, which would be overflowing with cheezits, no other place has so many great memories. Leaving RED will be like Tarzan leaving the Apes, and I know I will never find another like you, the community of RED. I don't think you know the extent of how much RED and her people have taught me and raised me. This is where the goodbye can get too drawn out. Listing every good thing that I gained from you. So how about this; I'm seeing RED!

  4. hmmm, cheezits...yum! Best of Luck Chad...You're a true warrior!

  5. I have to say when I saw Chad walk out the door of Red this morning I had mixed emotions. 1. Sad, because I'm going to miss our Chad! He is family after all 2. Proud to watch a Red head embark on a new & exciting chapter in his life! We love you Chad, wishing you the best of luck!!

  6. Brother, we just hung up the phone and I must say, I am more emotional after saying goodbye than I anticipated. I felt this may be the case though after watching you grow into a solid, competitive, warrior over the past 2 years. CFR has been so lucky to have you a part of our crew and the missing face umongst our team in the battles to come will feel like a mile long gap. You have new tasks at hand now and they are big ones.
    So hear me now when I say that God is with you and so are we, as one unbreakable force.
    Hear me now when I say that YOU have the power to change many lives and you most likely WILL.
    Hear me now when I say that your desire to fly with the eagles will keep you closer to the peaks.
    Chad, you are a what I call a compassionate Samurai. One who honors themsalf and others.
    Never give up, never give in and always stay true to your champion spirit.
    Now go crush some frigin skulls.

