Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lookin down the barrel of a Mt. Garfield gully. Gotta love this place.

Warm-up: PVC

100 DB Clusters for time (35/20)

*Every minute on the minute perform 5 burpees

*20 min cut off

Good Mornings  3x10

Mobility: Trigger Point

Also, for those of you who haven't seen Return of the Dragon, here's a little sample. It's a must see for any Bruce Lee fans. The baddest muther that ever walked.


  1. Thanks again, Jess for punishing us with "The J"
    4 rounds of
    10 Tire flips (300/200)
    15 K2E with a kip pullup_
    20 Box jump burpees (30/24)

    Finish 4th round with 15 rope climbs.

    That sucked, and I loved it.

  2. Remember to compare results for today's wod to what you got on 7/12/10, that is when we did this one last.

  3. Check this Bruce Lee action out.... He plays ping pong with Nunchucks! and wins.

    I am sure this link will not imbed so if you wanna watch, search Bruce Lee Nunchucks ping pong...

  4. Pretty sure today's 100 burpees and 100 clusters went down as the definition of underestimating a WOD. I thought at first... oh easy, lets get this party started. But after about the tenth cluster I realized what I was in for. Walked away knowing that workout was "good for the mind body and soul" as PB would say! LOL, GOOD JOB TODAY EVERYONE!!
