Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tell us what you wish we had our logo on! We are designing shirts, bracelets, stickers, bags and water bottles for the new year!

Warm up: PVC/BERG

4 rounds for time of:
10 front squats 135/85
10 push press 135/85
50 DU's

Plyo-push ups   3x max reps

Foam Roller

Below are some updates and confirmations for the "Battle"


Start times- Again, please show up at CrossFit RED at 9am sharp for weigh in and roster check. Weather permitting, we will gather everyone for a quick trip to Stoker Stadium after roster check OR we will prepare for the first WOD at the gym. The first Heat will start at 10:10. Why weigh? This is for the athletes current and future records and awareness of weight vs. performance ratio. It will not be used to quantify a performance.
Athletes will remain consistent in their heat throughout the day VS. the traditional progression of best athletes going in last heats. 

Point system- We will be using a point system for quality control and modifications on exercises. Your end score will be based on all your times combined + all your points combined-used equally as seconds subtracted from your total time. THIS SYSTEM IS A FRIENDLY WAY TO PENALIZE WHAT WILL OTHER WISE BE A MISSED REP IN LATER COMPS! A few further adjustments have been made to make sure we are not double penalizing you. This is not meant to make it tougher necessarily a way to lessen the pain for newbies. Future competitions like sectionals, regionals, opens will be less friendly in their point deduction. We will make sure you understand this scoring system on competition day.
* Please bring a hydration vessel, any food for fuel, your own product, a change of clothes and layers for change in temperature. See you all there at 9AM SHARP!

Heats for the all events are based alphabetically and as follows:


Andrea Ager
Jana Bates
Kerri Beinlich
Celeste Detwiler
Sarah Francis

Toni Lee- possible replacement needed
Mary Beth Litsheim
Jessica Lowdermilk
Natalie Mclain
Amber Peck
Naomie White


Nate Beard
Chad Sullivan
Josh Francis
Billy Foster
Austin Mullenix
Michael Merluzzi
Kirk Osborn
Samuel Matthews

Jeff Taets
Isaac Toomer
Derek Sjouland
Jeremy Smith
Randy Roman
David Weaver
Jeff Wilson
Adam Winch
WOD #1- (90 points) points reduced per lb. of modified weight or per warning for NO FULL ROM
5 Clean & Jerk #185/115
400 Meter Sprint
100 Meter Bear Crawl
*8 minute cutoff

HEAT 1- 10:10am
HEAT 2- 10:20am 
HEAT 3- 10:40am 
HEAT 4- 10:50am
WOD#2 - (90 points) 1 point reduced per lb. of modified weight or per warning for NO FULL ROM
15 minute AMRAP
5 Chin ups (reverse grip- full extension)
10 Push Press #75/55
15 Front Squat #75/55

HEAT 1- 11:20am
HEAT 2- 11:40am
HEAT 4- 12:20pm
WOD#3- (120 points)-20 points per exercise-
500 Meter ROW - all points deducted if you let the handle slip
250 Single Unders- 1 point deducted per miss (no deduction for stopping)
125 Double Unders - 1 point deducted per miss (no deduction for stopping)
60 Ft. Tire Pull #20/75- 10 points deducted if you have to modify the weight.
30 C2F Push-ups- 1 point deducted every time knees or hips roll from the ground
15 Burpee HSPU's- 1 point deducted for HSPU that doesn't touch target (floor/ abmat)
*20 minute cut off

Heats will be broken in half and started on 10 minute intervals
HEAT 1a- 1pm/ HEAT 1b-1:10pm
HEAT 2a- 1:20pm/ HEAT 2b- 1:30pm
HEAT 3a- 1:40pm/ HEAT 3b- 1:50pm
HEAT 4a- 2pm/ HEAT 4b- 2:10pm

Ceremony and Social- 2:45p!


  1. WOD #2, Im going to go ahead and take my 90 points reduction and modify the weights to zero pounds over head press and 60 lbs fsquats. That puts me at a 1:30 deficit on the starting line, but I think I'll be able to catch up.
    Im not trying to be an annoying zit. I read the red print, can we give the judges foghorns to blow when a rep is penalized? Or a sitcom style audio over the speakers that says "OOOOOOOOOOHHH"

  2. Ha! I love the banter. Trust the athletes spirit to prevail tomorrow, Chad. You are all warriors and it will be fun! No one will purposely take advantage of the system. If they do, they will be coached up to get better or get schooled at sectionals! Trust it, my friend! If our attempt to alter the judging a bit backfires, then we will learn an important lesson and change our appraoch! A point system this early in the season allows people to "get the point" without getting demolished by semi-unqualified judges or feelings of being "cheated" by an unfair call. Would you rather see a 5 second penalty vs. 1 second? 12 points deducted would be a whole minute in this case...easy math, eh;)

  3. Yaaa! Feel much better about the DU's with the change. Now if someone doesn't run off with my favorite red jumprope...

  4. The point system adds a new dimension to the WODs making it a little more fun (double penalty for lack of focus) and may give some the opportunity to decrease weight and still remain competitive. On the other hand, I'm a believer that nothing should count unless absolutely perfect...practice the way you plan on playing on game day and the rest will take care of itself. Flying back to CO after a tough week out east. Looking forward to seeing all.

  5. Get it out of your system now, Chadwick, because the Drill Instructor at Basic Training will have you backed up against the wall, standing at attention, while he screams (with spit flying in your grill) that he doesn't care one bit about what you think is fair or unfair. Just sayin', pal. By the way, the offer of a sound beating with PVC to get you ready for E&E School is still open. Call it an early Christmas present. I've always believed that it is better to give than to receive.

  6. Gosh, you guys are slaves to your computers! I was still in my slippers in my kitchen making PB&J for my daughter's lunch when you were all bantering ... hmmmm, hope that doesn't speak for my focus in this competitive company!? Rain or shine, tomorrow will be a great exhibition of athleticism, camaraderie & funny-face making (not mentioning any names...Weavy & Winch Nasty)...looking forward to being amazed by all of you once again while getting my booty kicked and earning my drinks for Saturday night :)
    Let's DO THIS THING!

  7. PS..Jana, you are AWESOME! Just have fun :) hurry down to RED and hide the RED jumprope where only you can find it for tomorrow..hee hee

  8. I'm just ready to have fun! Crossfit is tough to judge, and some new ideas are great, they just need some annoying punk to make fun of its flaws. I didnt say anything about being fair Brad, but if you're concerned about whats fair, then I'll take your offer with the PVC if you promise to let me show you a thing or two when I get back.

  9. A little confused with the heats? I am skipping an epic snowmobile trip to compete in this all time culmination of events, because one soul would not have me missing it! I then search like a dog that lost his bone for a name that doesn't exist? Am I confued, or am I looking at this with fog that will not wash from my eyes? Where in the hell is our wizard PATRICKS name in the best of the best? I am sure he will be competing, must be a typo.
