Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh, look what got posted!

Red, is proud to host a spot where newbies can go from nervous to fanatical, from beginner to bionic and from impressive to insane. We don't often get a chance to express our gratitude for having such an incredible array of gifted athletes and inspirational performances. We sometimes take it for granted.
It is more than most all of you know, that we truly honor you and appreciate every last effort that goes into your fitness. You are Red Heads and we love you for sticking out any of our obsessive projects. May we always have the humility to serve you and honor you.

Warm Up: DYMO

Back Squat

10, 9, 8, 7...1
Power Clean (155/100)
Box Jump (24/20)
1 Rope Climb

*10 to 1 rep scheme Power Cleans and Box Jumps only.
1 Rope Climb to finish each round. No jumping up the rope
to start or dropping to finish. Must start with feet flat and lower
all the back to the ground.

Mobility: Trigger Point

15 Minute AMRAP
9 Deadlits (155/100)
12 Push Ups (hands release at bottom)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)

Steamy! Practice knowing your threshold. Most competitors will blow it on there first 8 minutes. Don't be that girl!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone competing needs to watch the video on the Open site about the standards for this week's wod. Most of it is standard for how we usually operate, but I noticed 2 things that are not usually emphasized or demanded in our typical wods.

    First, the width of feet on the push ups has to be shoulder width or closer, no super wide feet in the push ups. I know we have allowed wide feet in the past and counted it as legit, but not this week.

    Second, hand width in the push ups. With the hand release component people tend to get pretty wide hand position. The standard for this week says that in the bottom of the push up, with chest on floor and hand on the ground, you have to have a 90 degree bend or less. We have typically said as long as hands come off the ground and you end in with full extension then it is good. Now we have to make sure everyone is also getting the proper bend in the elbow at the bottom of every rep.

    Like I sdaid wath the video and make sure you are comfortable with all the standards before you test the wod.
