Sunday, March 20, 2011

Snatch and Double Unders...Again

 Beautiful expression of power by Kerry B.

Saturday was Awesome. We would like to thank all of the athletes and volunteers and spectators that came out to support the event. This just one out of 6 more. Funny enough, this one was a practice round. We will do exactly the same WOD next weekend with the new extension and hope to PR like mad. Let's keep it rollin. 
PS- This is a chance for those with injuries, conditioning issues, (what ever is ailing you) to compete! Anyone can do this!


Split Jerk

7 Rounds for time of:
10 Pull Ups
10 Wall Ball(20/16)

Mobility: Dynamic Stretch

We will be Hosting a 24 Day Challenge Clinic at CFR in replacement of the 5:30 class. Want a reason to Shed? This may be it. Lets join forces and clean up our act;)


  1. Huh?!? This one didn't count? Further explanation, PLEASE!!! I think I used up my shoulders for a little while, so last Saturday's WOD will have to suffice. I'm calling my lawyer!

  2. ya due to some unfortunate problems with ye olde internet the games site couldn't handle all the traffic of people registering and entering scores so there was a horrific crash and they had to extend the 1st wod for another week or risk scores of angry crossfitters storming hq. which means we expect to see you out brad.

    ps look at that face!! you'd think that weighed 200#! i'm a wuss but everybody else who was out did great and went fast enough so their judges didn't look quite as bored as mine. jk brian as always was a great judge and a good time was had by all.

  3. Anybody that has any advice or suggestions for torn ACL's would be much appreciated now. I have a complete tear and bad bone bruises, good news is my meniscus is fine. They have me scheduled to see Dr. Luker next (for surgery) wondering if anybody has dealt with him before either?

  4. Luker is one of the best from what over heard, Mel.
    Sorry to hear about the tear, but with some tlc and some good work done to it, you can get back to crazy by year end. it's just gonna be a more careful kinda crazy;$
