Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sheer Madness

These are the ones that set the stage. It's the 5:30am early bird crew. They're not apposed to letting newbies in either. They love the competition and the fresh faces. Join them to get your day started right. Early crossfitter catches the morning compliment, like " Jeese, your back is ripping out of your shirt, and you legs look like steel..."and " Nice butt..." and "Wow, I can't believe you chased down that crook and ridge handed him into the cement!"


3 Rounds
400 Meter Run
15 Squat Snatch (75/55)

3 x 10

Mobility: Trigger Point


  1. The 5:30 class rocks it all the time and definitely sets the mood for the rest of the day. Even tho I typically work out at 6:30 I cant imagine getting up even earlier to work out. Way to go 5:30! keep kicking ass!

  2. This video is awesome...These guys don't care for paleo much. I figure any video by a group of guys called Epic Meal Time must be good.

  3. Where do you find that shit.... 18,000 calorie protein bar! ha ha! Nice

  4. Hey Melissa - how is your knee today?
    I've only ever gone to or taken my family to Mark Luker's Group - which is where Nate went as well - he's with the Group out on 25 1/2 (name escapes me now, check yellow pages)
    Damn these injuries!
    Be safe and smart out there troops :)

  5. Ohhhhhh how I love my 5:30'ers :) in fact, I think I am the luckiest coach at RED, I have the privilege of starting and ending my week with these guys... Anddddddd with Kirk and Jeff W2 dancing to "Lady Gaybar", super! :) Keep up all your hard work guys. and Kirk, don't u EVER leave us again... We are all lost without you (especially Jeff, he can't even add right without you there) ;)

  6. CD- The knee is a little better, but still hurts like hell! I ended up going to Dr. Price at Rocky Mnt Ortho. Which I recommend. He is familiar with CrossFit and has worked with a lot of sports teams, olympic athletes and college teams. We are waiting to see how if feels the next couple of days and for the swelling to go down. If not better I have to get an MRI, but it is possible it could be a meniscus tear. So cross your finger and toes that it's much better the next couple of days and then I'll be ready to jump into sectionals! :)

  7. Wow, I feel like a missed school, and the teacher (coach) is chastising me for it! Super! Just kidding, 530 am is the time to WOD, your too out of it to think, and humor that early in the morning (thankfully) is easy to come by! I enjoy the early AM family that we have established..... You need to come and WOD that early if you really want to learn the important things like, pole dancing, the diarrhea shuffle (JW2), How to properly do the worm ( a modified burpee movement), and my favorite the real SUPERman stretch!!!!! Ha Ha Ha! love the 530 am family.... Melissa, your in good hands @ rocky mountain, keeping my fingers crossed for good news!
